Michele Penza

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Michele Penza is a Senior Researcher of Materials Science and Engineering, Sensor Devices, Environmental Measurements and Critical Raw Materials Technologies, at the ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Economic Sustainable Development in Brindisi, Italy[1].

Michele Penza
April 04, 1964, Margherita di Savoia (BAT), Italy
University of Bari
Materials and Nano Sciences; Physics; Engineering
CNRSM - National Center for Research and Development of Materials (1992-2001) - Brindisi, Italy
ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (2001 - present) - Brindisi, Italy
Top Italian Scientist in Clinical Sciences [2]

Michele PenzaCite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag. ResearchGate (43). Google Scholar (45)[3].

Co-organizer of scientific meetings, chair of conference-sessions, member of international scientific committees (EUROSENSORS, EMRS, MRS, IEEE SENSORS, IMCS), international expert for FP7-projects and national research agency/council, international reviewer, research manager with SMEs partnership. Session Chair in International Workshops/Conferences and as Symposia/Meetings/Workshops Organizer. Reviewer for international journals at high impact factor, and for national/international research council/agencies to evaluate research projects. Member of Advisory Boards and Steering Committees of international conferences and research projects [4].

Associate Editor for Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, Journal of Sensors, Chemosensors, Sensors, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology - Section Materials. Guest Editor of several special issues (Elsevier, IEEE, ASP, Hindawi, Copernicus, Beilstein Institute, MDPI) [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10].

He was Chair of COST Action TD1105 EuNetAir - European Network on New Sensing Technologies for Air-Pollution Control and Environmental Sustainability - (2012-16) including 120+ teams from 31 COST Countries and 7 Non-COST Countries (USA, Canada, Morocco, Ukraine, Russia, China, Australia) [11], [12].

He is Chairman of the European Sensor Systems Cluster (ESSC), launched by EC DG R&I on November 2014 [13]. He is Coordinator of the EIT RawMaterials Hub - Regional Center Southern Italy (RCSI), hosted by ENEA at Brindisi Research Centre in Italy, since 2019 [14].

He has been included in the 2022 list of the Top 2% most-cited Worldwide Scientists [15], ranked as top-1000 scientist in the field of Analytical Chemistry and Physics; and as Top Italian Scientist [16] ranked as top-100 scientist in the field of Physics - Material and Nano Sciences, as edited by Standford University using H-index and Citations reported in Scopus and Google Scholar.

Since 1 July 2015, he serves in ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development - as Head of Laboratory Functional Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Applications at the Department for Sustainability in the Division of Sustainable Materials at Brindisi Research Centre, Brindisi, Italy [17].

External links
