Francesco Bertolini

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Francesco Bertolini born in Milan, Italy, Sept 8, 1961; Married with Laura, father of three sons.

Scopus Author ID: 7005152585

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5660-3255

Researcher ID: FYO-1287-2022

Current position

Dr. Bertolini is currently the Director of the Laboratory of Hematology/Oncology at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, the largest comprehensive cancer center in Italy.

He takes care of patients and leads research programs in hematology/oncology, angiogenesis, immunotherapy, stem cell biology and transplantation.

Dr. Bertolini has published original research papers in different cancer-related fields, namely blood transfusion, stem cell transplantation, animal models of cancer, metronomic chemotherapy, anti-angiogenic and immune-therapy over a period of more than thirty years, generating robust networks with the international experts in these fields. These achievements were obtained combining the lead of a translational research laboratory (including animal models) with diagnostic and clinical activities, including care of cancer patients affected by hematological malignancies.

Major research achievements

In the 1985-1995 decade Dr Bertolini has developed and published a novel procedure for the preparation and storage of platelet concentrates that is currently in use in most transfusion centres worldwide. In the same timeframe he was also instrumental in the development of blood filters able to reduce alloimmunization and transfusion reactions.

From 1990 to 1998 he pioneered the field of cord blood collection and transplant. He realized in Milan the first EU cord blood bank and the first Italian cord blood transplants in patients. He also published procedures for ex vivo stem cell expansion and the first EU pilot clinical trial in the field.

From 1998 onward, at the European Institute of Oncology, Dr Bertolini published seminal studies about the biology of circulating endothelial cells and their progenitors, the development of metronomic chemotherapy and of anti-angiogenic therapies of cancer, the role of adipose tissue progenitors in cancer development and progression, and the development of optimal combinatorial therapies including checkpoint inhibitors. His research has led to novel biomarkers and to clinical protocols involving anti-angiogenic drugs in cancer. Dr Bertolini has also pioneered studies on the use of NSG mice in preclinical models of hematological diseases and of several types of solid tumors.


1980: High School Degree (Liceo Classico), Milan

1986: MD degree summa cum laude, Medical School of the University of Milan.

1989: Post-doctoral specialization degree (Board) in Clinical and Laboratory Hematology, Medical School of the University of Milan.

1991-1993: PhD in Experimental Medicine (Hematology-Oncology), Medical School of the Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

2006: Masterclass in Health Business Administration, University of Milan.


1981-1986: Medical student in the blood research section and in the laboratory of immunology at the Blood Transfusion and Transplant Immunology Institute (Centro Trasfusionale e di Immunologia dei Trapianti), of the Milan University Hospital (Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico).

1989-1990: Visiting Research Scientist, Cardeza Foundation for Hematological Research, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA. Laboratory of Scott Murphy, MD.

1989-1995: Medical assistant, Blood Transfusion and Transplant Immunology Institute, Department of Hematology, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan. Since 1992, head of the stem cell laboratory devoted to stem cell collection from umbilical cord blood as part of the European Cord Blood Bank Project. Other fields of interests: cytokine-mediated mobilization of stem cells into peripheral blood, stem cell expansion and gene transfer into hematopoietic progenitor cells. Platelet transfusion, leuko-depletion of blood components.

1995-1998: Vice-Director and Head of the Experimental Hematology-Oncology Lab, Division of Medical Oncology, Scientific Institute (IRCCS) Maugeri Foundation, Pavia Medical Center, Pavia.

1998-onward: Director (formerly Vice-Director, 1998-2000, and Co-Director, 2001-2005) Division of Laboratory of Hematology-Oncology, IRCCS European Institute of Oncology, Milan.

2022-onward: PI at Onco-Tech Lab, European Institute of Oncology IRCCS and Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Current clinical interests: Diagnosis and treatment of hematological malignancies. Dr. Bertolini’s lab is in charge for the molecular (NGS, PCR, FISH, cytogenetic, etc) and cytometric diagnoses of myeloid and lymphoid malignancies at the European Institute of Oncology.

Current research intrests: Immunotherapy, in vitro and in vivo models of hematopoiesis, adipose progenitor cells and cancer, angiogenesis and angiogenesis inhibitors, preclinical animal models of neoplasia. Autologous and allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells.


2022-onward: Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences, College of Science, University of Texas at El Paso, USA.

2022-onward: PI at Onco-Tech Lab, European Institute of Oncology IRCCS and Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

1992-96: Instructor of Laboratory Medicine at the University of Milan. 1992-onward: Teacher of the post-graduate Medical School of Oncology, Internal Medicine, Hematology and Radiololgy at the University of Milan. 2009-onward, teacher at the Advanced Breast Cancer Research Course, University of Milan. 2009-onward: teacher at the Faculty of Biology, University of Milan.

2008-onward: Faculty member, the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM, Milan) PhD program.

2013: Enabled as Associate Professor of Hematology-Oncology

2014: Enabled as Full (Ordinary) Professor of General and Clinical Pathology

2014: Enabled as Full (Ordinary) Professor of Medical Technologies

2017: Enabled as Full (Ordinary) Professor of Hematology-Oncology

2024: Member of Sigma Xi, The USA Scientific Research Honor Society

2020-onward: Evaluator of PhD candidates, University of Genoa.

Editorial, technical and ad hoc committees

2013-onward: Academic Editor, PLoS ONE

2020-onward: Editor, Cancers

2022-onward: Section Editor, Frontiers in Immunology

Member of the Editorial Board, PLoS ONE, Cancer Reports, Cancers, Frontiers in Oncology – Cancer Genetics, PeerJ, Ecancermedicalscience, Oncological Science, Clinical Cancer Drugs, European Journal of Clinical and Medical Oncology, Journal of Hematology and Hematotherapy.

Referee for Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communications, PNAS, Lancet Oncology, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Nature Reviews in Clinical Oncology, Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology , Nature Reviews Endocrinology, Blood, Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research, Cancer Immunology Research, BBA-Reviews on Cancer, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, Oncogene, Molecular Cancer, Molecular Cancer Research, Cancers, Experimental Hematology, FASEB Journal, Annals of Oncology, Differentiation, Leukemia, Hepatology, Stem Cells, Annals of Oncology, Cancer Treatment Reviews, Cancer and Metastases Review, American Journal of Pathology, Theranostics, NPJ Breast cancer, Journal of Pathology, Oncotarget, PLOS ONE, EBioMedicine, Neoplasia, Cancer Prevention Research, Thrombosis and Haemostasis, International Journal of Cancer, Scientific Reports, European Journal of Cancer, British Journal of Cancer, Frontiers in Oncology, Frontiers in Immunology, British Medical Bulletin, Journal of Global Oncology, Cancer Letters, Carcinogenesis, Molecular Cancer, JCM, Medicinal Research Reviews, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, BMC Cancer, BMC Gastroenterology, British Journal of Haematology, Breast Cancer Research, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Angiogenesis, Microvascular Research, Communications Biology, Investigational New Drugs, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, Tumor Biology, Human Immunology, Cell Proliferation, Cancer Biology and Therapy, Molecular Cancer Research, International Journal of Molecular Science, Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Molecular Cancer, New Drugs and Perspectives, Investigational New Drugs, International Journal of Medical Science, Hematological Oncology, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, European Journal of Hematology, Annals of Hematology, Advances in Hematology, European Journal of Internal Medicine, Future Oncology; Drug Design, Development and Therapy; European Journal of Cancer Prevention, Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, Biomedicines, Molecules, Neurosurgery, Vox Sanguinins, Haematologica, Journal of Cellular Physiology, Advances in Therapy, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology, Drug Design, Development and Therapy.

Abstract reviewer for the meetings of the American Society of Hematology (2005) and the European Hematology Association (2008).

Reviewer for the European Research Counsil (ERC), the European Commission in the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes, the Worldwide Cancer Research, Health Research Board of the republic of Ireland, the Israeli Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, the Israel Science Foundation, the German-Israeli Foundation and for the University of Vienna.

Consultant of the the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer's Affairs in the national programme of cooperative research aiming to integrate research from basic and clinical groups.

Consultant of the French national Cancer Institute for the review of grant applications.

Consultant of the Polish national Cancer Institute for the review of grant applications.

Consultant of the Swiss Cancer Ligue for the review of grant applications.

Consultant of the Swiss National Science Foundation for the review of grant applications.

Consultant of the Dutch Cancer Society for the review of grant applications.

Consultant of the Irish Research Council for the review of grant applications

Consultant of the Austrian Science Fund for the review of grant applications

2011-onward: Member of the Health Technology Assessment Board of Regione Lombardia (Lombardy section of the Italian National Health System)

2016-onward: Member of the SAB, BiovelocITA (institutional incubator for Italian biotech companies).

Consultant for hematopoietic stem cell transplant for the Italian National Institute of Health.

Since 1996: Scholar of the National Blood Foundation of the American Association of Blood Banks.

Member of the Board: European Union Concerted Action Eurocord, Immunobiology Working Party of the EBMT (European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation), European School of Transfusion Medicine, Cord Blood Committee of the International Society of Hematotherapy and Graft Engeneering (ISHAGE), European Cord Blood Bank.

Full member: International Society of Experimental Hematology (ISEH), American Society of Hematology (ASH), American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), European Assiciation for cancer Research (EACR), American Society of Gene Transfer (ASGT), International Society of Cell Therapy (ISCT, formerly International Society of Hematotherapy and Graft Engeneering, ISHAGE), American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), European Working Group on Human Gene Transfer (EWGT), European Union Concerted Action on Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Italian group for the study of bone marrow transplantation (GITMO).

Awards: Corriere della Sera “Gli Italiani che cambiano l’Italia” Award (2009). Marangoni Award of the Maggiore Hospital of Milan for scientific merit (1986). The abstract "In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the hematopoietic potential of human muscle cells." has been awarded as the best 2001 scientific presentation either at the European Hematology Association (EHA) meeting in Frankfurt and at the Italian Society of Hematology (SIE) meeting in Florence.

Grants (>8.5m € total)

1993-1995: Project 325 Ricerca Finalizzata Regione Lombardia "Metodiche innovative per la preparazione di concentrati piastrinici", Lire 100.000.000

1996: National Blood Foundation, USA. "Ex vivo expansion of hemopoietic progenitors collected from cord blood", US $ 26,200

1997-2000: European Union Concerted Action "European research on cord blood bank and use for transplantation", subcommittee on ex vivo expansion and gene therapy, € 150.000

1997: Medsep (a subsidiary of Pall Group, USA): Studies on cord blood collection and storage, US $ 29,000

1997: Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Italia: Effect of Docetaxel on human hematopoietic stem cells. Lire 25.000.000

1997-1999: Fondazione San Paolo, Torino: Project CONESTRO for collection, expansion and transplant of hematopoietic stem cells. Lire 1.550.000.000

1998: Medsep (a subsidiary of Pall Group, USA): Studies on cord blood collection and processing, US $ 20,000.

1998-2000: AIRC (Italian foundation for Cancer Research): Studies on CD34 negative hematopoietic stem cells, Lire 70.000.000/year

2000-2001: Entremed, Rockville, USA. Studies on Endostatin and angiostatin in hematopoietic malignancies. US $ 45,500.

2001-2004: AIRC (Italian foundation for Cancer Research): Endothelial cells as nursing cells in hematopoietic malignancies. L 90.000.000/year.

2002-2003: Agouron-Pfizer, La Jolla, USA. In vitro and in vivo studies on AG13736. US $ 82,000.

2003-2004: Bristol-Myers-Squibb, USA: In vitro and in vivo studies on BMS-582664. US $ 158,500.

2004-2005: Pfizer, USA: CEC in animal models € 150,000

2004: Entremed, USA: 2ME2 in hematological malignancies, US $ 50,000

2004-2005: Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian NIH): Endothelial stem cells, gene expression, vasculogenesis and cancer growth, € 90,000.

2004-2007: 6th EU Framework Programme: Integrated Project "Angiotargeting", total funding 6 million € (FB is a member of the IP executive committee).

2004-2006: AIRC (Italian foundation for Cancer Research): Molecular and cellular determinants of preclinical and clinical response to anti-angiogenic drugs. € 65.000/year.

2005-6: DAC Srl (Milano): Pre-clinical investigation of endostatin peptides in preclinical cancer models. € 50,000.

2005-6: Pfizer, USA: Investigation of novel receptors on CEC surface. US $ 22,000

2006: Pfizer, USA: CEC enumeration in clinical trials, euro 30-94,000

2007-9: Pfizer, USA: Sutent and the cancer stem cell niche in metastatic kidney cancer. US $ 150,000

2007: Pfizer, USA: Standardization of CEC measurement. US $ 62,500

2007: Pfizer, USA: S1P1 expression in CEC. US $ 42,000

2007-2008: Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian NIH): Development of novel molecular approaches for the diagnosis and characterization of genetic lymphedema, € 110,000.

2007-2009: Italian Ministry of Health. The role of endothelial progenitors in cancer, € 100,000.

2007-2009: Alleanza contro il Cancro. Sviluppo di nuovi farmaci capaci di alterare il microambiente tumorale e di ripristinare la risposta immune anti-tumorale. € 60,000.

2007-2009: Italian Ministry of Health. Surrogate markers of angiogenesis in triple receptor-negative breast cancer patients. € 75,000.

2007-2010: Italian Ministry of Health. Neoangiogenesis in hepatoma and other tumors: novel therapeutical targeting of endothelial precursors. € 100,000.

2008: Pfizer, USA.Development of circulating endothelial cell analytical methodologies for canine samples. US $ 10,000.

2008: Pfizer, USA. Laboratory services to evaluate a new Pfizer drug in a clinical study. € 155,250.

2007-2009: AIRC (Italian Foundation for Cancer Research): Marker-driven, patient-tailored optimization of the chemosensitizing effect of anti-angiogenic drugs. € 140.000/year.

2008-2011: Italian Ministry of Health, Progetto Integrato Oncologia, "Cancer stem cells, drug resistance and niche in minimal residual disease" . € 80,000.

2008-2009: Italian Ministry of Health: "A two step protocol for infarcted myocardium repair by engineered bone marrow progenitors and cardiac mesangioblasts ". € 163,000

2009: Tethis: “Microfluids for FISH”. € 25,000.

2010: Università di Padova: valutazione cellule endoteliali circolanti nel diabete. € 25,200.

2010: Molmed: Study of circulating perivascular progenitors and circulating lympho-endothelial progenitors (CLEP) as possible targets of NGR-TNF and rGn peptide. € 85,000

2010-12: Umberto Veronesi Foundation: Circulating tumor cells and mutated DNA in breast and colo-rectal cancer. € 150,000.

2011-2: Pfizer, USA: Anti-ALK1 in precliical models of NHL. € 50,000.

2010-2013: AIRC (Italian Foundation for Cancer Research): From resistance to anti-VEGF drugs to “next generation” anti-angiogenic therapies of cancer. € 250.000/year.

2011-2: EOS: First-in-man study of E-3810, a novel VEGFR and FGFR inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid tumors. CEC and CVEP enumeration. € 50,000

2011-13 Italian Ministry of Health, ricerca finalizzata: “Biomarker‐driven development of 3rd generation antiangiogenic cancer therapies” € 289,333

2012-3: Pfizer, USA: Anti-ALK1 in precliical models of HCC. € 50,000.

2013-2014: Umberto Veronesi Foundation: Genomics of treatment response in AML patients over 60. € 130,000.

2014-2016: AIRC (Italian Foundation for Cancer Research): Targeting adipose cell contribution to breast cancer angiogenesis, local and metastatic growth. € 245,000/year

2016: Pierre Fabre, France: Checkpoint inhibitors and metrnonomic chemotherapy. € 40,000.

2016: Emercell, France. NK-mediate immunotherapy in AML models. € 35,000.

2016-2019: Gilead, USA. Anti-MMP9, chemotherapy, and checkpoint inhibition. € 90,000.

2017: Pierre Fabre, France: Checkpoint inhibitors and metrnonomic chemotherapy. € 20,000.

2017: ArQule, USA: BTK inhibition in acute myeloid leukemia. € 25,000.

2017-9: Adris Trust: targeting tumor microenvironment and inhibitory checkpoints. € 235,000/year

2017-8 ArQule, USA: Evaluation of antitumor immunity of anti-PD1 inhibitor with ARQ 531 in solid tumors and hematological malignancies. € 25.000

2017-2022 AIRC (Italian Foundation for Cancer Research): Tumor microenvironment, angiogenesis, and checkpoint inhibition. Learning how to reach the best therapeutic synergy. € 250,000/year

2020-22 Menarini: In vitro and in vivo evaluation of MEN1703 in AML. € 240.000

2020-22 Menarini: NGS investigations in MEN1703 clinical trials in AML. € 200.000

2019-22 Emercell: NK cells armed with monoclonal antibodies as therapeutic tools. € 30.000

2022-23 G.N.B trust: Azalea study in triple negative breast cancer. € 300.000

2022-2024 Fondazione Umberto Veronesi: Azalea study in TNBC: € 77.000

2023-25: Italian Ministry of Health, Ricerca Finalizzata “JAK2V617F mutated endothelium has a stem cell potential in primary myelofibrosis: a new disease ontogenesis for chronic myeloproliferative disorders”. € 105.000

2023-2028 G.N.B. trust: DIRECTION study for early cancer detection: € 900.000

2024 Roche: Triple therapy for bispecific antibodies: € 100.000

2023-24 Menarini: NGS investigations in DIAMOND clinical trial. € 123.700

Doctoral and post-doctoral students- trainees

42 in total (12 become independent scientists), list of the last 15 years:

Davide Lombardi 2023-24 “Immunological anti-cancer memory after cyclophosphamide”

Gaia Gnecco, 2023-24 “liquid biopsies for cancer detection and follow-up”

Valentina Pavento, 2023-24 “single-cell studies on cyclophosphamide effects on T cells”

Giulia Bravetti, 2022-23 “Finding the optimal chemotherapy partner for anti-PD-1”

Sara Soffiati, 2021-22 “NGS investigation of secondary MDS”

Laura Carpen, 2020-21 “Single-cell transcriptomic of PD-1 inhibition”

Giulia Mitola, 2020-21 “Transcriptional landscape of immune cells receiving chemotherapy”

Stefania Roma 2017-2021 “ILC in lymphoma”

Loredana Vecchi, 2017-8 “MMP-9 and GM-CSF in obesity-related breast cancer”

Andrea Mariancini, 2016-7 “paradoxic effects of checkpoint inhibitors and metformin in cancer”

Davide Casali, 2016-7 “Cellular determinants of response to checkpoint inhibitors”

Francesca Massa, 2015-6 “Adipose tissue, inflammation and breast cancer”

Martina di Trani 2013-4 “metformin and adipose tissue stem cells”

Francesca Reggiani 2012-15 “Targeting of CD34+ WAT progenitors”

Rossella Labella 2011-12 “Novel markers in CECs”

Valentina Labanca 2011-12 “Expression of CD109 in CECs”

Giovanna Talarico 2011-12 “WNT expression in CLL”

Chiara Aldeni 2010-12 "WAT cells in cancer"

Paola Marighetti 2009-11 "2d generation anti-angiogenic therapies"

Alice Agliano 2008-10 "Lenalidomide in NK lymphomas"

Raoul Catena 2007-09 "VEGF isoforms and CECs in cancer"

Valentina Raia 2006-08 "Thalidomide and angiogenesis"

Chiara Poluzzi 2007-08 "quantitative PCR for biomarker validation"

Thomas Foutz 2007-08 "Surrogate markers of angiogenesis"

Elisabetta Muratori 2004-06 "VE-cadherin as a biomarker in neoplastic angiogenesis"

PhD thesis supervision at SEMM: Four since 2012

PhD Thesis at SEMM:

Francesca Reggiani 2012-16 “Targeting of CD34+ WAT progenitors”

Stefania Roma 2017-2021 “Finding the best synergy between checkpoint inhibitors and chemotherapy”

Peer reviewed papers

As of Jan 1st, 2024, dr. Bertolini has >270 full papers, >21,080 citations (Google Scholar; Scopus >12,320 citations), h-index 76 (Google Scholar; Web of Science h-index 60; Scopus h-index 60). One paper (FB first author) has >700 citations, 2 papers (FB first author) have >600 citations, 5 papers (3 of them with FB first or last author) has >500 citations, 7 papers (FB first or last author in 4 of 7) has >400 citations, 23 papers (9 out of 23 with FB first or senior author) have >200 citations (Google Scholar).

Included in the 2021 and 2022 “top 2% science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators” of Stanford University in 2022 and 2023.

Sirchia G, Parravicini A, Rebulla P, Bertolini F, Morelati F, Marconi M. Preparation of leukocyte-free platelets for transfusion through cotton wool. Vox Sang 1983;44:115-120.

Sirchia G, Rebulla P, Parravicini A, Carnelli V, Gianotti GA, Bertolini F. Leukocyte depletion of red cells units at the bedside by transfusion through Sepacell R-500. Transfusion 1987;27:402-405.

Rebulla P, Baroni L, Bertolini F, Sirchia G. The risk of acquiring transfusion-transmissible infections (letter). Vox Sang 1988;55:186-187.

Bertolini F, Rebulla P, Riccardi D, Cortellaro M, Ranzi ML, Sirchia G. Evaluation of platelet concentrates prepared from buffy coats and stored in a glucose-free crystalloid medium. Transfusion 1989;29:605-609.

Sirchia G, Wenz B, Rebulla P, Parravicini A, Carnelli V, Bertolini F. Removal of white cells from red cells by transfusion through a new filter. Transfusion 1990:30:30-33.

Rebulla P, Bertolini F for the Cooleycare cooperative group. Transfusion reactions in thalassemia. A survey from the Cooleycare programme. Haematologica 1990;75:122-125.

Rebulla P, Bertolini F, Riccardi D, Smacchia C, Sirchia G. Platelet concentrates prepared from pooled buffy coats and stored in a glucose-free crystalloid medium. The Milan experience. Transfus Sci 1990;11:357-362.

Rebulla P, Bertolini F, Parravicini A, Sirchia G. Leukocyte-poor blood components: purer and safer transfusion for all recipients? Transf Med Rev 1990;4 (suppl 1):19-23.

Rebulla P, Modell B and the Cooleycare study group (including Bertolini F). Transfusion requirements and effects in patients with thalassemia major. Lancet 1991;337:277-280.

Bertolini F, Rebulla P, Porretti L, Sirchia G. Comparison of platelet activation and membrane glycoprotein Ib and IIb-IIIa expression after filtration through three different leukocyte removal filters. Vox Sang 1990;59:201-204.

Bertolini F, Rebulla P, Porretti L, Murphy S. Platelet quality after 15-day storage of platelet concentrates prepared from buffy coats and stored in a glucose-free crystalloid medium. Transfusion 1992;32:9-16.

Bertolini F, Murphy S, Rebulla P, Sirchia G. Role of acetate during platelet storage in a synthetic medium. Transfusion 1992;32:152-156.

Bertolini F, Rebulla P, Marangoni F, Sirchia G. Platelet concentrates stored in synthetic medium after filtration. Vox Sang 1992;62:82-86.

Rebulla P, Porretti L, Bertolini F, Marangoni F, Prati D, Smacchia C, Pappalettera M, Parravicini A, Sirchia G. White cell reduced red blood cells prepared by filtration: a critical evaluation of current filters and methods for counting residual white cells. Transfusion 1993;33:128-133.

Bertolini F, Porretti L, Corsini C, Rebulla P, Sirchia G. Platelet quality and reduction of HLA expression in acid-treated platelet concentrates (letter). Br J Haematol 1993;83:525-527.

Rebulla P, Bertolini F, Porretti L, Marangoni F, Smacchia C, Marconi M, Riccardi D, Sirelson V, Pappalettera M, Sirchia G. Platelet concentrates from buffy coats: improved conditions for preparation and evaluation in routine clinical use. Transfus Sci 1993;14:41-46.

Bertolini F, Porretti L, Lauri E, Rebulla P, Sirchia G. Role of lactate in platelet storage lesion. Vox Sang 1993;65:194-198.

Murphy S, Rebulla P, Bertolini F, Holme S, Moroff G, Snyder E, Stromberg R for the BEST (Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion) Task Force of the International Society of Blood Transfusion. In vitro assessment of the quality of platelet concentrates. Transf Med Rev 1994;8:29-36.

Bertolini F, Marangoni F, Loy A, Marconi M, Almini D, Rebulla P, Sirchia G. Single-donor platelet concentrates stored in synthetic medium: In vitro and in vivo studies. Int J Art Org 1993, 16 (suppl. 5): 135-138.

Bertolini F, Corsini C, Lauri E, Gorini F, Sirchia G. Cord blood banking: evaluation of the collection procedure and of CFU-GM content. J Hematother 1993, 2: 233-234.

Bertolini F, Lazzari L, Corsini C, Lauri E, Gorini F, Sirchia G. Cord blood banking for stem cell transplant. Int J Art Org 1993; 16 (suppl. 5): 111-112.

Bertolini F and Murphy S for the BEST Working Party of the ISBT. A multicenter evaluation of reproducibility of swirling in platelet concentrates. Transfusion 1994;34:796-801.

Bertolini F, Lazzari L, Corsini C, Lauri E, Sirchia G. Cord blood plasma-mediated ex-vivo expansion of hematopoietic progenitor cells. Bone Marrow Transplant 1994;14:347-353.

Bertolini F, De Monte L, Corsini C, Lazzari L, Lauri E, Soligo D, Ward M, Bank A, Malavasi F. Retrovirus-mediated transfer of the multidrug resistance gene into human haematopoietic progenitor cells. Br J Haematol 1994;88:318-324.