Vittorio Cristini
Vittorio Cristini, Ph.D.
- Citation metrics (h-index > 60; i10-index > 125)[1]:
- ISI Highly-Cited Researcher in the Mathematics category 2014 (Thomson Reuters).
- Stanford—Scopus Top 2% Scholars List 2023.
- Top Italian Scientists List.
- Websites (in progress):
- Professor of Computational Biology and Mathematics in Medicine, 2022-present
- Department of Medicine, The Houston Methodist Research Institute
- Professor and Chairman, Mathematics in Medicine Program, 2018-present
- The Houston Methodist Research Institute
- Professor, Population Health Sciences, 2021-present
- Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University
- Professor, Physiology, Biophysics and Systems Biology, 2021-present
- Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, 2017-present
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Imaging Physics
- The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Business Address: Houston Methodist Research Institute, R8-123, 6670 Bertner Avenue, Houston Texas- 77030, Email:, Phone- 505-934-1813
Since July 2018, I have been with the Houston Methodist Research Institute (HMRI) as Professor and Chairman of the Mathematics in Medicine Program, while my academic appointments are as Professor of Physiology, Biophysics and Systems Biology at Cornell University Medical School and Professor of Computational Biology and Mathematics in Medicine at the Department of Medicine of Houston Methodist. I am also member of the graduate program and of the promotion and tenure committee at both institutions. Finally, I am currently an Adjunct Professor of Imaging Physics at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. In the past decades, by focusing on clinical translation of mathematical and biophysical models, I have established multiple local, national, and international collaborations, in order to combine forces and work towards multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary studies. More recently, my team has established several collaborations with research scientists and clinicians at the HMRI in different fields of interest, including immunoncology (Dr. Shu-hsia Chen), and clinical translational cancer research (Drs. Jenny Chang, Esnaola Kai and Bernicker, Houston Methodist Cancer Center). These collaborative efforts have resulted in the development of several successful grant applications. Over the years, I’ve also served as consultant or independent contractor for a number of pharma and biomedical device companies and as CFO for a neuroimaging society.[2]
Scientific recognition
The collaborations and scientific output throughout the years have brought me international recognition as a “thought leader” of research excellence and leadership in the fields of mathematical and computational biology, applied and computational mathematics, physical oncology, complex fluids and microfluidics, and multidisciplinary (bio)materials science. In 2014, I was honored to be recognized ISI Highly-Cited Researcher in Mathematics, and had the privilege to be named one of the World’s “most influential scientific minds,” shared with less than 100 mathematicians worldwide. In my 27 years in research, I have also had the privilege to serve as editor for several scientific journals, including Cancer Research, NeuroImage, Frontiers, and PLOS Computational Biology, I have published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, and two book monographs with Cambridge University Press in 2010 and with CRC Press in 2017. I have served as consultant and board member for a number of private companies3, and on several faculty committees at various academic institutions.
My work has been recognized through various awards, nationally and internationally. I was the first recipient of the “Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics” by the American Physical Society in 2000 for my PhD thesis in Chemical Engineering at Yale University. My 2005 paper in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology was in the top 0.1% of citations in the field of Mathematics and has been designated as a “New Hot Paper in the field of Mathematics” by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Knowledge; two articles have been featured in the Cancer Research Highlights of the American Association for Cancer Research. My research has been highly recognized internationally and by the media and several science museums in the US, and has been supported by the Cullen Trust for Health Care, Artidis corporation, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and the States of California, Texas, and New Mexico, among others.
Funding and strategic development
Over the past 20 years, I have continually served in PI roles on several NSF, NIH, and DoD grants focused on the development of predictive multi-scale, patient-specific computational models of tumor growth and mechanistic mathematical models of tumor response to chemo/immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and nano-therapeutics, most notably as part of multi-institutional grants including two NSF and joint NSF/NIGMS grants (funded in September 2017 and 2013, respectively), two R01s beginning in April and July 2018, two U01 NCI grants on pancreatic and gynecological cancers (funded in August 2015 and July 2017, respectively), two NCI Physical Sciences in Oncology Centers (PS-OC), one NCI Center for Excellence in Cancer Nanotechnology (CCNE), of which I also served as the overall PI in 2015-2016, one NCI Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP) center grant, and one NIGMS P50 grant in systems biology, several additional R01s and one SPORE grant. At UCI, UNM, UTHealth, and HMRI I have developed and taught novel courses in Computational and Precision Biomedicine, and have mentored and trained graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty, including mentees in the NIGMS Spatio-Temporal Modeling Center (STMC UNM) and the NIGMS-IRACDA Academic Science Education and Research Training (ASERT) program, Weil-Cornell Graduate School, and Rice University Applied Physics. I have also established important collaborations with industrial partners as well, including ARTIDIS (a company based in Basel, Switzerland), and AstraZeneca. One of the major goals behind this type of strategic network of preclinical and clinical collaborations with mathematical, physical scientists, and engineers is to develop new intellectual property (IP) centered around mathematical interpretation of clinically relevant data methods to predict and optimize therapy outcome.
Modeling-supported clinical translation
I pioneered the field of “Physical Oncology”, which aims at using mathematical modeling, physical theories, and engineering approaches to describe and quantify biological mechanisms that play important roles in the growth of cancer and in response to therapies. With a solid background and experience in Applied Mathematics and Chemical Engineering, and specifically in the development of theories and numerical methods in Complex Fluids and Materials, I am dedicated to applying and adapting engineering and physical sciences approaches to the modeling of complex normal and pathologic biological tissue. One important approach I have been leading is focused on investigating the effects of diffusion, perfusion, and transport phenomena on cancer growth and dissemination rate, and on the development of resistance to drug or other systemic therapies. All the models and approaches developed within this framework integrate input from patient and experimental data (ACS Nano 2013, PLOS Computational Biology 2013, 2016, PLOS One 2013, 2016, Scientific Reports 2018, Nature Communications 2018, JCI Insight 2019). These efforts have been supported by the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Physical Science in Oncology (PS-OC) and the Center for Excellence in Cancer Nanotechnology funding mechanisms (three U54s funded) and regular R01-type funding from the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health. In line with this type of work, I have also made important discoveries on the role of physical transport in drug resistance in patients (JCI 2014, PNAS 2013, 2016, Clin Cancer Res 2018, Science Advances 2020, Nature BME 2021, ELife 2022). Currently, a first-of-kind effort is underway at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, the Baylor College of Medicine, and the Houston Methodist Cancer Center, towards the development of prospective clinical trials (and retrospective clinical studies) based on my mathematical models of physical transport in tumors to elucidate the role of physics in overall resistance to cancer chemotherapy and immunotherapy drugs.
My translational modeling effort is part of an ongoing collaboration with biologists, oncologists, and nanotechnologists at MD Anderson Cancer Center (Drs. Anirban Maitra, Gabriel Lopez-Berestein, Anil Sood, David Hong, Jen Wargo, George Calin, Bulent Ozpolat, Eugene Koay, Subrata Sen, James Welsh, Mary Edgerton, John Hazle, Ahmed Kaseb, and Christopher Crane among the others), Moffitt Cancer Center (Drs. Jason Fleming, Daniel Anaya), Baylor College of Medicine (Drs. Alastair Thompson, Michael Lewis, and Jeff Rosen), UNM (Drs. Jeffrey Brinker, Elaine Bearer, Cheryl Willman), Rutgers University (Drs. Wadih Arap, Renata Pasqualini, Daniela Staquicini), Stanford University School of Medicine (Dr. Sam Gambhir), USC School of Medicine (Dr. David Agus), and Houston Methodist (Drs. Haifa Shen, Shu-hsia Chen, Alessandro Grattoni, and others). To properly account for the purely biological phenomena affecting this tissue physics, we developed data-driven cell signaling and molecular interaction models, including under the umbrella of the NCI ICBP program (one additional U54 funded) in collaboration with the Baylor College of Medicine and also in collaboration with UNM (Cancer Res 2009a,b, Physical Biology 2012, PLOS Comput Biol 2016).
Education and outreach
As a scientific leader, I also contributed to developing outreach and education initiatives to promote novel approaches and results coming from the field of physical oncology. In particular, with the support of the NCI, we have developed a series of educational workshops (most notably: The Ohio State University workshop on “The role of biomedical informatics in overcoming current barriers in cancer research” 2008; and the National Cancer Institute meeting: “Integrating and Leveraging the Physical Sciences to Open a New Frontier in Oncology” 2008). These efforts led to the creation of the PS-OC program by the NCI. An introduction to this new field was developed in my book monograph on multiscale mathematical modeling of tumor growth, Cambridge University Press (2010). A second monograph, titled “An Introduction to Physical Oncology”, was published by CRC Press in 2017, where new mathematical models of physical transport processes (including our recent modeling work) that use patient tissue and imaging data to predict the efficacy of 6mmune/chemotherapy and radiation therapy are introduced and discussed.
In my career, I have also had the pleasure to serve as mentor to ca. 100 trainees, including graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty, and many of them have gone on to successful research and academic careers (e.g., Dr. Paul Macklin, Indiana University; Dr. Steven Wise, The University of Tennessee; Dr. Hermann Frieboes, University of Louisville; Dr. Jennifer Pascal, University of Connecticut, Drs. Wang, Dogra, Nizzero and Butner, HMRI). My current research group is highly interdisciplinary, and includes undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research associates, and junior faculty in the field of biophysics, applied physics, engineering, statistics, mathematical modeling, imaging, and immunology.
United States of America, Italy
Undergraduate Education
1989 – 1994 University of Rome – La Sapienza, Laurea Degree, Summa cum Laude, Nuclear Engineering
Graduate Education
1995 – 1996 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, M.S., Chemical Engineering
1996 – 1998 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, M.Phil., Chemical Engineering
1998 – 2000 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Thesis: “Drop dynamics in viscous flow”
Postgraduate Training
2000 – 2002 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Postdoctoral Associate, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
2001 – 2002 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Postdoctoral Associate, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
Academic and Administrative Appointments
2022-present Houston Methodist Department of Medicine, Professor of Computational Biology and Mathematics in Medicine
2021-present Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, Professor of Population Health Sciences
2020-present Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, Professor, Graduate School of Medical Sciences
2018-present The Houston Methodist Research Institute (HMRI), Professor & Director, Mathematics in Medicine Program
2017-2018 The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School, Co-director of the Nanochemistry and 3D-printing Service Center Institute for Molecular Medicine; Co-director of the Proteomics Service Center, Institute for Molecular Medicine
2017-present The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Adjunct Professor, Department of Imaging Physics
2016–2018 The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School, Professor with tenure and Director, Center for Precision Biomedicine, The Brown Institute of Molecular Medicine
2015–2016 The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School, Visiting Professor and Chairman, Department of Nanomedicine and Biomedical Engineering; Professor, Center for Proteomics and Systems Biology, The Brown Institute of Molecular Medicine
2015-2018 Department of Nanomedicine, Full Affiliate Member, HMRI
2014 – 2015 King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Distinguished Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics
2012 – 2018 The Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Senior Scientist Fellow
2010 – 2015 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Professor, Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering; Professor, Center for Biomedical Engineering, The Victor and Ruby Hansen Surface Professor in the Molecular Modeling of Cancer, UNM Cancer Center; Director of Computational Biology, Department of Pathology; Professor with Tenure, Department of Pathology
2009 – 2010 University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas, Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Director, Center for Computational Biomedicine, School of Biomedical Informatics; Professor with Tenure, School of Biomedical Informatics
2009 – 2010 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, Associate Professor, Department of Systems Biology, Division of Cancer Medicine
2009 – 2010 University of Texas at Austin, Texas, Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
2009 – present University of Dundee, Scotland, UK, Honorary Professor, Department of Mathematics
2009 – 2010 Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance, Scotland, UK, Professor
2009 Auvergne University, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Chair of Excellence in Neurosurgery
2007 – 2009 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, Associate Professor, Department of Systems Biology, Division of Cancer Medicine
2007 – 2009 University of Texas at Austin, Texas, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
2006 – 2009 University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Associate Professor, School of Biomedical Informatics
2006 – 2007 University of California, Irvine, California, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics
2005 University of Naples, Italy, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
2002 – 2006 University of California, Irvine, California, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
2002 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mentor Faculty, NIH-National Institute of Dental Craniofacial Res., T32 Training Grant; Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics
Positions at National/International Professional Organizations
2018 – present Consulting History Information available upon request
2016 – 2017 Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics (SBMT), Science Committee Member
2006 – 2007 International Brain Mapping and Intra-operative Surgical Planning Foundation, Chief Financial Officer
2005 – 2007 Centre for Molecular (Bio) Medicine, Trieste, Italy, Scientific Advisory Board Member
2004 – 2006 Orqis Medical/Edwards Lifesciences, Consultant
2004 – 2007 International Brain Mapping and Intra-operative Surgical Planning Society, Board of Directors
2004 – 2007 American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Fluids Programming Committee Member
- EnMed Capstone Innovator Award, Texas A&M U & Houston Methodist, 2023/9. (Award recipient: Gayatri Prakash, Mentor: Zhihui Wang)
- Wolfram Innovators Award (an International award by Wolfram Technology); for using Mathematica for mathematical modeling to predict cancer patient response to immune checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy on a per-patient basis, using only current standard-of-care clinical measures, and at times earlier after start of treatment than current response assessment standards are able to provide, 2021/10. (with Joseph D. Butner and Zhihui Wang)
- Career Cornerstone Award, 2021/4, Houston Methodist. (with Zhihui Wang)
- President’s Award for Excellence in Peer-Reviewed Publication for “A mathematical model for the quantification of a patient’s sensitivity to checkpoint inhibitors and long-term tumour burden,” in Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2021/1, Houston Methodist (with Joseph D. Butner and Zhihui Wang)
- The Cockrell Foundation Professorship Award to support mathematical modeling efforts in infectious diseases research at HMRI. 2021-2024. (with Prashant Dogra)
- News press featuring paper Dogra et al., ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsptsci.0c00183: New York Times Medical Sciences, News Medical
- News press featuring paper Butner et al., Sci Adv 2020, PMC7190324: AAAS EurekAlert!, Medical Xpress, Science Magazine, 7th floor, News Medical, New Break, Bright Surf, Advanced Science News, MJH Life Science, X-MOL, News Break
- Featured article: “A Multiscale Agent-Based Model of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ,” by Butner et al., IEEE TBME 2020 May.
- Excellence in Mentoring Award 2019. Methodist Association for Postdoctoral and Trainee Affairs. (Postdoc: Sara Nizzero)
- Award for Excellence in Peer-Reviewed Publication for “Establishing the Effects of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle Properties on in vivo Disposition Using Imaging-Based Pharmacokinetics,” in Nature Communications 2018, Houston Methodist
- Government of Mexico CONACYT Fellowship, 2018-Present (Student: Maria Jose Pelaez Soni, Rice University)
- Ph.D. Thesis “with distinction” (Student: J. Butner, Center for Biomedical Engineering, UNM), July 2017. · Invited feature in Global Health & Pharma 2016,
- Invited contributions to Open Access Government, 2015-2021
- Endowed Chair – Rochelle and Max Levit Chair in the Neurosciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School. 2016-2018
- UT STAR award – The University of Texas System – Science and Technology Acquisition and Retention (STARS). 2015 “Mathematical modeling integrated with experiments and clinical trials to understand tumor heterogeneity, drug delivery and treatment outcome” ($1,000,000)
- V Cristini, EJ Koay, Z Wang. Taking cancer out of the equation. International Innovation 2015 (September) 191: 38-40.
- Named as one of the “World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” in 2014 by Thomson Reuters.
- Named in 2014 by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), Thomson Reuters, as one of 99 Highly-Cited Researchers in Mathematics worldwide.
- Endowed Professorship – The Victor and Ruby Hansen Surface Professor of Molecular Modeling of Cancer, University of New Mexico Cancer Center, 2010-2015.
- Recent Articles and News Reports, featuring Dr. Cristini’s latest research have appeared in 2013-2015, including in: The Business Journals; ABC News and local TV and radio shows; several daily newspapers; The Morning Brew; AdvanceWeb; Newswise; The Stanford Biomedical Computation Review (see below for detailed media coverage links)
- The New Mexico Cancer Nanoscience and Microsystems Training Center (CNTC) Graduate Fellowship, 2013-2014 (Student: Romica Kerketta, UNM)
- 2013-2014 School of Engineering Award – the Charlotte and William Kraft Graduate Fellowship (Student: Terisse Brocato, UNM)
- The New Mexico Cancer Nanoscience and Microsystems Training Center (CNTC) Graduate Fellowship, 2014-2016 (Student: Terisse Brocato, UNM)
- The New Mexico Center for the Spatiotemporal Modeling of Cell Signaling (STMC) Graduate Student Fellowship, 2014-2016. (Student: Prashant Dogra, Biomedical Sciences, University of New Mexico)
- NIGMS-IRACDA Academic Science Education and Research Training (ASERT) K12GM088021 postdoctoral fellowship (Jennifer Pascal)
- PS-OC Newsletter 2014, “Physical Transport Properties Could Predict Outcomes for Patients with Cancer”
- Young Oncologist Essay Award, American Radium Society’s 95th Annual Meeting, April 27 – May 1, 2013, Scottsdale, Arizona (E Koay)
- Front cover of Physical Biology, October 2012
- Articles by van de Ven et al, AIP Advances 2012, and by Chauviere et al., AIP Advances 2012, selected for inclusion in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, April 2012
- Chair of Excellence in Neurosurgery, Auvergne University, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2009
- Highly Accessed BioMed Central Paper (Sanga, S. et al., BMC Medical Genomics 2009, 2:59)
- SULSA Professor 2009-2010 (Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance)
- Front cover of Nonlinearity 2010
- Honorary Professor of Mathematics, University of Dundee, Scotland UK, 2009-present
- Founding Member of International Academy of Nanomedicine (IANM), 2009-present
- Active Member (by invitation) of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2009-present
- Cancer Research Highlights, May 15 2009: “Multi-parameter Computational Modeling of Tumor Invasion.” (Cancer Research 2009 69: 4493-4501)
- Interview on National Public Radio, May 25 2009, “Math Could Help Solve Cancer Tumor Mysteries,” by Jack Williams.
- Special Feature of article: “Prediction of drug response in breast cancer using integrative experimental/computational modeling,” by Frieboes et al., Cancer Research 2009, at the American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting, Denver, CO 2009.
- Special Feature of article: “Multi-parameter Computational Modeling of Tumor Invasion,” by Bearer et al., Cancer Research 2009, at the American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting, Denver, CO 2009.
- Special feature of Dr. Cristini’s project “Virtual Cancer” at the event “Gratias Dono” – Gifts that change life, organized by the University of Texas Health Science Center to honor medical philanthropy. Houston Country Club, February 4 2009.
- 2008 STEP-UP Clinical and Research Internship Award for Research Excellence—MD Anderson Cancer Center (Undergraduate student: Deepa Raghunathan)
- Featured in Forbes magazine – “Can Mathematics Cure Cancer?” 27 October, 2008
- Video exhibit of Cristini’s cancer simulations in the Boston Museum of Science, 2008
- Front cover of Journal of Mathematical Biology 2008
- Featured in the Cancer Bulletin of the National Cancer Institute (“The mathematics of cancer”, Cancer Bulletin July 10, 2007 – Vol. 4 / Number 21)
- Fellow, American Academy of Nanomedicine, 2006-present
- Front cover of Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2006-2009
- Cancer Research Highlights, Feb 1 2006: “Simulation model predicts tumor invasion in marginal environmental conditions.” (Cancer Res 2006; 66(3):1597-604)
- UNCF-MERCK Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellowship, 2006-2008 (Student: N DeMagalhaes).
- NIH Graduate Fellowship, 2006-2008 (Student: N DeMagalhaes)
- Biomedical Engineer of the year, The Henry Samueli School of Engineering, University of California at Irvine, 2006 (Student: K. Velasco)
- New Hot Paper in the field of Mathematics, Jul 2006, Thomson-Scientific Essential Science Indicators (Bull Math Biol. 2005; 67(2):211-59)
- B. S. Honors Thesis, U. of Minnesota 2004 (Student: A. Anderson)
- · Physical Sciences Faculty Endowed Award, U.C. Irvine, 2003-4 (Student: X. Zheng,)
- Research Scholarship, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, Univ of Minnesota, 2001
- Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society—Division of Fluid Dynamics 2000, “For important theoretical and numerical contributions to the description and understanding of drop dynamics and breakup in laminar and turbulent flows”
- Henry Prentiss Becton Dissertation Award, Yale 2000, “For exceptional achievements in the field of Engineering and Appl. Sci.”
- Outstanding Paper Award, American Institute of Chemical Eng 1997
- Harold Cheel Fund Graduate Fellowship, Yale U. 1995
- Ente Nazionale Energia Atomica (ENEA) Fellowship, Italy, 1994-1995
- University of Rome – La Sapienza. Laurea Degree, Summa cum Laude, Nuclear Engineering, 1994
Media coverage (selected)
Dogra, P. et al. JCI Insight 2023 PMC10371350 DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.169860
- Newswise:
- Becker’s Hospital Review:
- Houston Methodist Newsroom:
- Medical Xpress:
Butner et al., eLife, 2021 PMID: 34749885 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.70130.
- eLife Press Release, Model predicts early response to cancer immunotherapy
- Society
- Technology Networks Mathematical Model Designed to Predict Early Response to Immunotherapy
AAAS EurekAlert! by China Science Daily
Nature in Facebook
Nature Bioengineering Community
- Towards providing physicians with a quantitative tool for optimizing immunotherapy treatment protocols for each individual patient
Diagnostics World
- Mathematical Model of Treatment Response ‘Designed For Clinical Translation’
The Naked Scientist (BBC)
Science Daily
AP News
News Medical
AAAS EurekAlert!
Social Media
News Medical
AAAS EurekAlert!
Medical Press
Science Magazine
7th floor
News Medical
Bright Surf
Advanced Science News
The Business Journals
ABC News
The Stanford Biomedical Computation Review
Santa Fe New Mexican
UNM Cancer Center Press Release
UNM Cancer Center Press Release
KSFR SF (radio interview)
Albuquerque The Magazine
The Morning Brew
UNM Cancer Center Press Release
UNM Cancer Center Press Release
UNM Cancer Center Press Release
UNM Cancer Center Press Release
International Innovation
American Physiological Society
Open Access Government
- Nizzero S, Plodinec M, Wang Z, Cristini. Giving oncology its power back: A clinical technology revolution is conquering the US from Texas (December 2019).
- Butner et al., “Personalized prediction of immunotherapy efficacy: improving clinical approaches via mechanistic mathematical modeling”, Open Access Government, January 2021: p. 116-117.
- Dogra, P., Cristini, V., “Is the Pandemic Obeying the Elliott Wave Principle of Financial Markets?” (April 2021).
- Peláez, M.J., Dogra, P., Cristini, V. “Impact of mathematical modeling in understanding and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic” (October 2021)
Open Access Government
- eBook:
- eBook:
Global Health & Pharma
- Invited e-book: “Mathematical Pathology” in Global Health & Pharma 2016,
Editorial Board (selected)
2023 – present Cancers (Guest Editor)
2022 – present Frontiers in Physiology (Guest Editor)
2021 – present Nanomaterials (Guest Editor)
2013 – present PLOS Computational Biology (Guest Editor)
2011 – present Frontiers in Computational Physiology and Medicine
2010 – present World Journal of Clinical Oncology
2009 – present Open Journal of Neuroscience (Ross Science Publishers)
2008 – present Cancer Research (American Association of Cancer Research)
2007 – present Open Biomedical Engineering Journal (Bentham Science)
2007 – present Journal of Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics
2006 – 2007 NeuroImage (Elsevier)
2004 – present Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology (American Scientific Publishers)
2004 – present Biomedical Microdevices (Springer)
Selected: Invitations for Service on National Grant Review Panels, Study Sections, Committees (mentee involved)
- Early Career Fellowship review, The India Alliance, 5/2023 (Z Wang)
- NIH/NCI Clinical and Translational Cancer Research review meeting on breast cancer (R03/R21), 5/2023 (Z Wang)
- NIH special emphasis panel BBBT for Biodata and Biomodeling, 2/2023 (Z Wang)
- DOD Breast Cancer Program (BCRP) Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics 1 (CET-1) review panel, 7/2022 (Z Wang)
- NIH/NCI Program Project V (P01) Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) for PAR-20-077 (National Cancer Institute Program Project Applications, P01), 6/2022 (Z Wang)
- NIH Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems (MABS) study section, 2/8-9, 2022 panel member · The Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Review College. 2022-present
- NIH special emphasis panel for Academic-Industrial Partnerships for Translation of Medical Technologies, ZRG1 SBIB,10/25-26 (Z Wang)
- NIH Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems (MABS) study section panel on October 21-22, 2021
- European Science foundation reviewer: Research Foundation Flanders call for Junior and Senior Research Projects, 2021
- NIH/NCI Program Project V (P01) Special Emphasis Panel (SEP), for PAR-20-077 (National Cancer Institute Program Project Applications, P01), 6/10-11, 2021 (Z Wang)
- RFS/SRFS, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Selection Panel (STEM Panel), The Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, 4/2021 (Z Wang)
- NIH Special Emphasis Panel ZCA1 RPRB-H (M2), 3/19/21 (P Dogra)
- NIH special emphasis panel, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships Research for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 2/22-23, 2021 (Z Wang)
- NIH special emphasis panel, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships Research for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 6/29, 2020 (Z Wang)
- NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) review panel, co-chair, 2/12, 2021
- NIH special emphasis panel, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships Research for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 2/3, 2020 (Z Wang)
- European Science foundation: I-SITE ULNE (Université Lille Nord-Europe), Program for Early-stage Researchers in Lille (PEARL). 19-Lille-PEARL-007
- Appel A Projects 2019:Inserm – Département de l’Evaluation et du Suivi des Programmes (DESP)
- NIH special emphasis panel, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships Research for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 10/10-11, 2019 (Z Wang)
- NIH special emphasis panel, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships Research for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 6/24-25, 2019 (Z Wang)
- NIH MABS Study Section, Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group, 2/14-15, 2019.
- NIH special emphasis panel, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships Research for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 2/8, 2019 (Z Wang)
- NIH special emphasis panel, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships Research for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 10/15-16, 2018 (Z Wang)
- NIH special emphasis panel, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships Research for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 6/15, 2018 (Z Wang)
- NIH Special Emphasis Panel, 2018/05 ZRG1 BST-H (2), Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies, 4/4 2018
- NIH special emphasis panel, ZRG1 SBIB-Q 57, Academic-Industrial Partnerships Research for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 2/22-23, 2018 (Z Wang)
- The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding), external reviewer 2018
- The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (I, the Dutch Research Council), external reviewer 2018
- Cancer TMOI, French National Alliance for Life and Health Sciences (AVIESAN) jointly with the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) – mail reviewer in the field of multidisciplinary approaches in modeling complex biological processes applied to cancer, 2017
- Sinergia funding instrument, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) external reviewer 2018
- Science Committee – Multidisciplinary Project Award 2018, Cancer Research UK
- BSF (United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation), external reviewer 2018
- Medical Research Council (MRC), UK, 2017. Mail reviewer invitation
- Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) Competitive Research Grants (CRG), Mail review 2017, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (I, the Dutch Research Council), Innovational Research Incentives Scheme (Veni), I-Interdivisional Veni round, 2017. Mail reviewer.
- Breakthrough Award Levels 1 and 2 (BTA) peer review panel member invitation, 2017 Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP), the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).
- NIH special emphasis panel for U01 Multiscale Modeling (MSM) program, 2016, 2017 (Z Wang)
- NCI Provocative Questions PQ8: What cancer models or other approaches can be developed to study clinically stable disease and the subsequent transition to progressive disease? 2017. Ad hoc reviewer.
- Cancer Research UK mail reviewer, 2015-2016.
- Army Medical Research and Material Command (MRMC) Online Reviewer, 2016.
- Pathobiology – 2 (PB-2) peer review panel member, 2016 Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP), the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).
- NIH reviewer, 2016.
- The Wellcome trust/DBT India Alliance Fellowship application reviewer, 2016.
- NIGMS special panel to review a number of “Support of Competitive Research (SCORE)”. Bethesda, Maryland, on June 30 – July 1, 2015.
- NIH special emphasis panel for Mathematical Modeling, Cancers and Cell Signaling systems, February 26, 2015.
- Mail and Panel Reviewer, NIH CSR Oncology 1-Basic Translational Integrated Review Group, 2013-2015.
- Mail and Panel Reviewer, NIH ZRG1 OTC-X(80) AREA: Oncological Sciences study section, 2013-2015.
- Mail Reviewer, AIRC Italian Association for Cancer Research, 2013.
- Center Advisory Committee (CAC): NCI Physical Sciences in Oncology Center (PSOC) U54: “The Center for Transport Onco-Physics”.
- Senior Investigator Committee: NCI Physical Sciences in Oncology Center (PS-OC) U54: “The Center for Multiscale Complex Systems Transdisciplinary Analysis of Response to Therapy”.
- Senior Leadership Committee; Pilot Grant Review Committee: Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP) NCI U54: “The Center for Systematic Modeling of Tumor Development”.
- OSU Mathematical Biosciences (MBI) program review, 2012.
- Reviewer for German and French government grant funding agencies, 2012.
- Mail Reviewer for several EU agencies, 2011-2013.
- UNM Cancer Center P30 Senior Leadership Committee, 2011-2012.
- Reviewer, Texas Center for Cancer Nanomedicine – Pilot Projects, 2011.
- Reviewer, Center for Systematic Modeling of Cancer Development (Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, TX and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX) – Pilot Projects, 2011.
- European Partnership for Alternatives Approaches to Animal Testing – Annual Workshop, Brussels, July 5-7, 2010.
- Panel Member, 2010 DoD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP), Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP); Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics 5 (CET-5).
- NIH mail reviewer (SBIR), 2010.
- Panel Member, European Commission Research Directorate General Unit F5: Biotechnology for Health, FP7-Health-2010-single-stage – Alternative Testing Strategies, Brussels, March 15-19, 2010.
- DoD Breast Cancer Idea Award review panel member, 2009, 2010.
- DoD Breast Cancer Concept Award review panel member, 2009, 2010.
- Reviewer, Medical Research Council, United Kingdom, 2010.
- NIH review panel member, 2009.
- Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation, 2009.
- Department of Defense—Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP), Concept awards, 2008 Breast Cancer funding cycle.
- Joint National Science Foundation-DMS/National Institutes of Health-NIGMS panel member 2008. Mathematical Biology.
- NIH review panel member 2008. R01: Multi-scale modeling of physiome in health and disease.
- National Cancer Institute—The Ohio State University: workshop on “The role of biomedical informatics in overcoming current barriers in cancer research”, 2008.
- National Cancer Institute meeting – “Integrating and Leveraging the Physical Sciences to Open a New Frontier in Oncology”, 2008.
- Reviewer, U.S. – Israel Bi-National Science Foundation, 2008.
- Reviewer, American Chemical Society, 2007.
- Reviewer, WWTF Vienna Science and Technology Fund 07. Program: Mathematics and Cancer Nanotechnology.
- Reviewer, Dept of Energy-Office of Science 03. Program: Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiments.
- Panel member, Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Command (TATRC)/American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) panel to conduct independent scientific review to the Alliance for NanoHealth (ANH) program. Houston, TX, 2006.
- Reviewer, Department of Energy-Office of Science, 2005. Program: Basic Energy Sciences.
- Reviewer, National Science Foundation-Division of Mathematical Sciences, 2005.
Service on Graduate School Committees
2022 – Present Houston Methodist Academic Institute and University of Naples Federico II (Italy) International Academic Affiliation
2021 – Present Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, Professor, Graduate School of Medical Sciences
2017 – 2018 Regular Member, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) Medical Physics Program, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
2003 – 2006 University of California, Irvine, California, Member and Co-Founder, Mathematical and Computational Graduate Program
Service to the Community
Selected: Conference Organization Invitations (mentee involved)
- Conference Program Co-Chair, The 6th International Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (ICCBB 2023), December 2023 (Z Wang)
- Editorial group discussion on Research Integrity, Springer Nature, July 2023 (Z Wang)
- Editorial meeting on how to improve IEEE publications, IEEE, June 2023 (Z Wang)
- Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Seminar (Physical Science of Cancer), Galveston, TX, February 2023 (P Dogra)
- Gordon Research Seminar on Physics of Cancer, Elected Chair (S Nizzero)
- Scientific and Health Care outreach platform in support of Covid-19 vaccination (90k members; S Nizzero Founder and Administrator, see Media coverage)
- 5th International Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (ICCBB 2021), December 2021, Technical Program Committee Member (Z Wang)
- NCI-DOE Collaboration 2021 Virtual Workshops: Accelerating Precision Radiation Oncology Through Advanced Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Discussion Leader (DL) for “Multimodal Patient Trajectories: Individual Predictive Modeling,” March 2021 (Z Wang)
- Abstract Screening Committee Track Leader, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists PharmSci 360 Conference 2021, Track: Clinical Pharmacology (P Dogra)
- Guest Editor, Nanomaterials. Special issue: Delivery of Nanoformulations for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, 2021. With Z Wang and P Dogra)
- Translational Engineering and Healthcare Innovation (TEHI) committee election, IEEE EMBS, 2019 (Z Wang)
- Symposium on “Imaging in Tumor Modeling,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting (Nashville TN | July 29 – August 2, 2018)
- Symposium on “Imaging in Tumor Modeling, World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC), 2018.
- Organizing Committee Member, “2nd International Conferences on Clinical Oncology and Molecular Diagnostics,” June 11-13, 2018, Dublin, Ireland. Theme: Enlightening the Future Panorama of Clinical Oncology
- Organizing Committee member, “28th Euro congress on Cancer Science and Therapy,” August 09-10, 2018, Madrid, Spain. Theme: To codify a responsive discussion on cancer science and therapy
- Innovate Cancer Research 2017, International Colloquium on Cancer Research, advisory board member, November 29-30, Brisbane, Australia.
- World Brain Mapping 2017, Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics (SBMT), Science Committee Member.
- National Science Foundation (NSF) merit review survey 2016 “Satisfaction of Investigators and Reviewers with the Merit Review Process.”
- Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Consortium Workshop to launch NMC/LANL joint initiatives in Biomedical Technology, May 9, 2013.
- Co-organized the U54 NCI-ICBP Center for Systematic Modeling of Tumor Development symposium at The Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, TX, February 12, 2012.
- Session Organizer, Sandia / UNM Cancer Center Symposium on Nanoparticle Human Interactions, June 2-3, 2011.
- Organizer, NIMBioS Investigative Workshop on Solid Tumor Modeling. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, January 19-21, 2011.
- Mini-symposium on Tumor Growth Modeling.
- Chair and Organizer, World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, 2010.
- Joint EU & US Workshop on Virtual Tissues in RTP. Focus: modeling tissue level outcomes from molecular and cellular scales, April 21-24, 2009.
- Chair and Organizer, Educational Session: “Mathematical Models in Pharmacology,” American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, April 18, 2009.
- Program Committee Member, joint BME symposium UT Austin, UT Health Science Center Houston, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center; Director, computational bioengineering session. Institute for Molecular Medicine, Houston, TX, January, 15, 2009.
- 15th US National Congress on Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM06), Biomechanics of Tissues Mini-symposium, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2006.
Session Chair, “Cells and Materials: At the Interface between Mathematics, Biology and Engineering,” Microfluidics symposium, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, 2006.
- Program Committee Member, Cells and Materials Conference, Institute for Pure and Applied Math, UCLA, 2006.
- Program Committee Member, International Brain Mapping and Intra-operative Surgical Planning Symposium, University of Southern California, 2005-2007.
- Session Chair, International Brain Mapping and Intra-operative Surgical Planning Symposium, University of Southern California, 2005-2006.
- Editor of the conference proceedings, European Conference on Mathematics and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB), 2005.
- Session Chair, Stability and Non-linear Hydrodynamics, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, 2005
- Session Chair, Dynamics Days, University of California at Irvine, 2005.
- Program Committee Member, Dynamics Days, University of California at Irvine, 2005.
- Program Committee Member, 4th IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2004.
- Session Chair, International Biofluid Mechanics Conference, Caltech, 2003.
Sponsorship and Mentorship of Candidates for Postgraduate Degrees
1. Gayatri Prakash, MD student, EnMed Program, Texas A& University. April 2023-Present (not primary advisor; with Z Wang)
2. Joseph Cave, PhD student, Weill Cornell-Houston campus. August 2022-Present. (primary advisor, with Prashant Dogra and Z Wang)
3. Carmine Schiavone, PhD student in Chemical Engineering, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy. 2022-Present. (Co-advisor)
4. Rishi Ramesh, MD student, EnMed Program, Texas A& University. March 2023-Present (not primary advisor; with Z Wang and Prashant Dogra)
5. Gregory Zaugg, Masters student in Nanoscience, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland. August 2022-Present. (primary advisor with S Nizzero)
6. Giacomo Doglio, Masters student in Physics, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy. 2022-Present. (Not primary advisor)
7. Meitham Amereh, PhD student, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2022-Present (not primary advisor).
8. Verya Gavili Kilaneh, MS, University of Kurdistan, Iran. 2022 (not primary advisor)
9. Yu Shen, PhD student, Johns Hopkins University, 2022 (not primary advisor)
10. Nithin Kumar Goona, PhD student, National Institute of Technology, Goa, India, 2022 (not primary advisor)
11. Maria Jose Pelaez Soni, PhD student in Applied Physics at Rice University. 2021-Present. (primary advisor)
12. Akash Awasthi, PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston. 2021-2022. (not primary advisor)
13. Ishaan Duggal, PhD student in Pharmaceutical Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. 2021-2022. (not primary advisor)
14. Bandita Karki, Masters student in Statistics, University of Idaho. 2021-2022. (not primary advisor)
15. Garima Khanna, Masters student in Nanomedicine at Université de Paris, France. 2021-2022. (not primary advisor)
16. Carmine Schiavone, Masters student in Chemical Engineering, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy. 2021-Present. (Not primary advisor)
17. Maria Jose Pelaez Soni, Masters in Applied Physics at Rice University. Graduated May 2021. Title: Mechanistic modeling of pathological biomarkers to study Alzheimer’s disease progression. (primary advisor)
18. Giorgia Migliaccio, Masters in Bioengineering, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy. Graduated January 2021. Title: Calibration of wound healing assay in silico lattice model with experimental data. (Not primary advisor)
19. Luca Messina, Masters in Bioengineering, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy. Graduated January 2021. Title: A hybrid cellular automata for cancer cells growth and chemotaxis. (Not primary advisor)
20. Mingee Kim, Undergraduate in Biochemistry at Rice University. 2018-2021. (Not primary advisor)
21. Si Qi Tong, Undergraduate in Kinesiology at Rice University. 2018-2021. (Not primary advisor)
22. Sara Nizzero, PhD in Applied Physics at Rice University. 2018-2019. (Not primary advisor)
23. Rosalia Ferraro, PhD ,Department of Industrial Engineering, at University of Naples Federico II. (Not primary advisor)
24. Naomi Hasegawa, M.D., McGovern Medical School, UTHealth, 1st year, 2017-present. Webber award candidate
25. Terisse Brocato, Ph.D. Center for Biomedical Engineering, University of New Mexico, August 2012-December 2017. 2013-2014 School of Engineering Award – the Charlotte and William Kraft Graduate Fellowship; The New Mexico Cancer Nanoscience and Microsystems Training Center (CNTC) Graduate Fellowship, 2014-Present. Graduated in December 2017. Title: “Mathematical Modeling for the Use of Predicting Chemotherapy and Nanoparticle Treatment Efficacy in Breast Cancer”
26. Prashant Dogra, Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, University of New Mexico, August 2012-December 2017; The New Mexico Center for the Spatiotemporal Modeling of Cell Signaling (STMC) Graduate Student Fellowship, 2014-2016. Graduated in May 2018. Title: “Multiscale Modeling of Nanoparticle Biodistribution”
27. Joseph Butner, Ph.D. (Center for Biomedical Engineering, UNM), August 2012-July 2017. Graduated in July 2017 with distinction. Title: “A Multiscale Modeling Study of the Mammary Gland: Using mathematical modeling and computer simulation to study the roles of cell phenotypic dynamics and molecular signaling in the pubertal end bud and postmenopausal DCIS initiation”
28. Romica Kerketta, Ph.D. (Biomedical Sciences, UNM), October 2012-May 2017 (Co-Advisor). The New Mexico Cancer Nanoscience and Microsystems Training Center (CNTC) Graduate Fellowship, 2013-2014. Graduated in May 2017. Title: “Exploring biological heterogeneity and its consequences at tissue and cellular scales through mathematical and computational modeling"
29. Kuan Feng, Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, University of New Mexico, January 2014-2015 (not primary mentor)
30. Neelima Shrestha, Undergraduate researcher, Biochemistry, University of Idaho, Summer 2012 (not primary advisor)
31. Armin Day, Joint B.A. / M.D. Program, UNM 2011-2015
32. Nzola DeMagalhaes, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine 2009 — UNCF-MERCK Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellow –NIH graduate Dissertation Fell
33. Xiaoqin Yuan, PhD, MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2009-2010 (not primary advisor)
34. Srimahita Kaliki, Ph.D. student, Biomed Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2009-2010
35. Sandeep Sanga, Ph.D. Biomed Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2009
36. Deepa Raghunathan, B.S. MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2008; STEP-UP Clinical and Research Internship Award for Research Excellence (not primary advisor)
37. Xiangrong Li, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 2008 (not primary advisor)
38. Jahun Kim, Ph.D. Student, School of Health Information Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center, 2007-2010
39. Kaveh Azartash, M.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine, 2006
40. Hermann Frieboes, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, U.C. Irvine, 2006
41. Shuwang Li, Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota, 2005 (not primary advisor)
42. Ryan Hainley, M.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine 2005
43. Balakrishnan Sivaraman, M.S. Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, U.C. Irvine 2005
44. John Sinek, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 2005
45. Xiaoming Zheng, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 2005 – Physical Sciences Faculty Endowed Award, 2003-2004
Sponsorship and Mentorship of Postdoctoral Fellows and Faculty
1. Vrushaly Shinglot, Ph.D, Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics In Medicine Program, HMRI, July 2022- June 2023
2. Maguy Farhat, Postdoctoral Fellow in Radiology and Computational Imaging, Department of Gastrointestinal (GI) Radiation Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2021-Present. (With JD Butner and Z Wang)
3. Arturas Zyemis, Non-Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Mathematics in Medicine Program, HMRI, 2018-2022.
4. Sara Nizzero, Ph.D., Consultant, ARTIDIS, INC, 2021-present.
5. Sara Nizzero, Ph.D., Faculty Fellow, Mathematics in Medicine Program, HMRI, 2021-present.
6. Joseph Butner, Ph.D., Faculty Fellow, Mathematics in Medicine Program, HMRI, 2021-present.
7. Prashant Dogra, Ph.D., Non-Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Mathematics in Medicine Program, HMRI, 2021-present.
8. Sara Nizzero, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mathematics in Medicine Program, HMRI, 2019-2021.
9. Sara Nizzero, Ph.D., Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Radiation Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2020-2021.
10. Javier Ruiz Ramirez, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mathematics in Medicine Program, HMRI, 2018-2021.
11. Prashant Dogra, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Mathematics in Medicine Program, HMRI, 2018-2021.
12. Joseph Butner, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mathematics in Medicine Program, HMRI, 2018-2021.
13. Zhihui Wang, Non-Tenure-Track Associate Professor, Mathematics in Medicine Program, HMRI, 2018-present.
14. Martina Mugnano, PhD candidate at University of Naples Federico II. (Not primary advisor)
15. Geoff V Martin, MD. Radiation Oncology Resident, MD Anderson. 2016-2018 (not primary mentor)
16. Yoo-shin Kim, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Center for Proteomics and Systems Biology, The Brown Institute of Molecular Medicine, 2016-2017.
17. Angela Rugiano, PhD, Department of Mathematics, Univ/Calabria, Italy, 2015-2016 (not primary mentor).
18. Huaming Yan, Ph.D., Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 2015-present (not primary advisor).
19. Greg von Winckel, Ph.D., Postdoctoral student, Chemical Engineering, UNM, Skinfrared, LLC, Albuquerque, NM, 2013-2015(not primary advisor).
20. Zhihui Wang, Non-Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, The University of New Mexico Health Science Center, 2011-2015.
21. Jennifer Pascal, ASERT Postdoctoral Student, Department of Pathology, The University of New Mexico Health Science Center, 2011-2013. NIGMS K12GM088021 postdoctoral fellowship.
22. Yao-Li Chuang, Postdoctoral Student, Department of Pathology, The University of New Mexico Health Science Center, 2010-2014; The University of Texas Health Science Center, 2009-2010.
23. Arnaud Chauviere, Non-Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, The University of New Mexico Health Science Center, 2010-2012; The University of Texas Health Science Center, 2009-2010.
24. Fang Jin, Postdoctoral student, Department of Pathology, The University of New Mexico Health Science Center, 2010-2011; The University of Texas Health Science Center, 2008-2010.
25. Babis Hatzirikou, Postdoctoral student, Department of Pathology, The University of New Mexico Health Science Center, 2010-2012; The University of Texas Health Science Center, 2009-2010.
26. Paul Macklin, Non-Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, School of Health Information Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center, 2007-2010.
27. Hermann Frieboes, Postdoctoral student, School of Health Information Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center, 2007-2010.
28. John Sinek, Ph.D., Postdoctoral student, Applied Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 2005-2007.
29. Lan Pham, Postdoctoral student, Applied Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 2003-2005.
30. Xiaoming Zheng, Postdoctoral student, Applied Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 2005-2006.
31. Steven Wise, Postdoctoral student, Applied Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 2003-2006.
Others (non-graduate/postgraduate)
- Kelan Wu (Undergraduate student), University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA (02/23 – 06/23), Research topic: Machine learning applications to determine nanoparticle properties for tumor targeting and safety (with P Dogra & Z Wang)
- Elisa Misuri (Undergraduate student), Politecnico di Torino, Italy (01/22 – 08/23), Research topic: Multiobjective optimization to guide immunosuppressive therapy in kidney transplant recipients to prevent BK virus infection (with P Dogra)
- Ruchi Birur, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science – summer 2022 (not primary advisor)
- Sri Gouri Rajaram, B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. 2021-2022. (not primary advisor)
- Syed Asad Rizvi, B.S. Computer Science, University of Houston. 2021-2022. (not primary advisor)
- Meinee Chiu, B. Pharmacy, Panjab University, India. Summer 2021. (not primary advisor)
- Ananya Singh, B. Pharmacy, Panjab University, India. Summer 2021. (not primary advisor)
- Jack Delk, B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University – summer 2021 (Not primary advisor)
- Jorge Tito, Pre-Baccalaureate Trainee (High school student) at UTHealth – summer 2017
- Josh Begay, Undergraduate researcher (Mechanical Engineering, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute), Summer 2012 (co-advisor)
- Zachariah Harris, B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2011-2012
- Kristine Velasco, B.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine 2006 – BME Engineer of the Year
- Anthony Anderson, B.S. Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota 2004 – Honors Thesis.
Teaching Responsibilities
- ‘Strategic Consideration for Healthcare Informatics’ Course, Master’s in Clinical Translation Management, University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX, USA, 10/30/2023 – Present. (Instructor: P Dogra)
- Physiology, Biophysics & Systems Biology qBio Bootcamp 2021, 2022, 2023 (& 2024 expected), Houston Methodist Research Institute and Weill Cornell Medicine, Houston, TX, the first two weeks of August, 2021, 2022, 2023. Instructors: Joseph Butner, Prashant Dogra. Supervision: Vittorio Cristini, Zhihui Wang, Henry Pownell, John Cooke.
- GS21 1331: Precision BioMedicine and Nanotechnology. Instructors: David Volk and Vittorio Cristini. (Institute of Molecular Medicine, The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston, 2017-2018, graduate)
- Cristini, V. Mechanistic patient-specific predictive correlation of tumor drug response with microenvironment and perfusion measurements. 2017 nBME Scholarly Concentration Summer Seminar Series, UTHealth McGovern Medical School, Houston, TX, US. June 13, 2017. (invited lecture)
- California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) guest lecture 2017, UC Irvine.
- Introduction to Computational Biomedicine (BIOM 505-004, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 2012, graduate) Developed and taught a multi-disciplinary class in collaboration with the Spatio-Temporal Modeling Center and the New Mexico Cancer Nanoscience and Microsystems Training Center.―In this course, students are engaged in novel peer-reviewed research at the interface of medicine and the engineering and physical sciences, e.g., knowledge of literature relevant to a specific study and understanding of the corresponding biological background, soundness of the mathematical formulation of equations modeling the biological problem, insight into novel biology obtained from model investigations. The course consists of 3, 3-week long modules: a general one covering tools for computational biomedicine; one focused on modeling tumor spread (with guest instructor cell biologist Prof. Bridget Wilson); and one devoted to modeling intracellular transport (with guest instructor cell biologist Prof. Elaine Bearer). One class meeting/week includes both lecture and assessment of progress to provide feedback/help.
- Foundations of Health Information Sciences II: Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine (Health Information Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston; Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2009, graduate)
- Numerical Analysis (Health Information Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston; Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2007-2010, graduate)
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2007-2009, graduate)
- Math modeling and computer simulation for Health Sciences (Health Information Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston; Biomedical Engineering, U.T. Austin, 2007, graduate)
- Bio-Mass Transport (Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine, 2004-2006, undergraduate)
- Introduction to Predictive Oncology (Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine, 2005-2006, graduate)
- Introduction to Math and Computational Biology (COSMOS Program Physical Sciences, University of California at Irvine, 2004-2005, high school)
- Applied Engineering Math II—Numerical Analysis (Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine, 2003-2006, graduate)
- Math Modeling and Computer Simulation of Complex Biology Systems (Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine, 2003-2004, graduate)
- Virtual Cancer: A Computer Model of Cancer Progression and Treatment (Engineering, University of California at Irvine, 2003, Freshman Semester)
- Calculus I (School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 2002, undergraduate)
- Transport Phenomena (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, 2000, undergraduate)
Current Grant Support
- Golfers Against Cancer, Fund #37384: Predicting immunotherapy outcomes from noninvasive blood measures before start of treatment. 9/1/23–8/31/24. 60,000/yr DC. Role: Collaborator (PI: Z Wang)
- Brown, Smith & Raymond EnMed Capstone Innovator Award (Texas A&M U & Houston Methodist). Predicting Cancer Immunotherapy Response by combining Mechanistic Modeling and Machine Learning. 9/1/23–8/31/25. 12,000/yr DC. Role: Collaborator (PI: Prakash, Mentor: Z Wang)
- NIH/NINDS T32 Postdoctoral Fellow Training Grant (PI: P. Horner). Houston Methodist Neurological Institute’s Department of Neurosurgery. 05/01/2022-04/30/2027. Role: Faculty Mentor
- ARTIDIS Ltd./MD Anderson Cancer Center/Houston Methodist Research Institute: Strategic Alliance for Biomechanics Marker Discovery in Clinical Trials. 7/1/2021–6/30/2026. Role: HMRI PI, 10% time, $50,000/yr DC.
- NIH/NCI, R01CA253865: Nanoparticle delivery of miRNA-based therapeutics to overcome clinical challenges in triple negative breast cancer. 3/4/2021- 2/28/2026. Role: Co-Investigator, 10% time, 111,569/yr DC. PI: Z Wang
- NIH/NIBIB, 1R03EB033576: Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of silica nanoparticles. 7/1/22 – 6/30/24. Role: Collaborator. PI: Yellepeddi; co-I: Dogra
- ARTIDIS Ltd.—Sponsored Research Agreement: Predicting chemotherapy and immunotherapy outcome using measurements of tissue stiffness.8/1/2021- 12/31/2024. Role: PI, 5% time, $165,000/yr DC.
- NIH/NCI, P50CA217674: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center SPORE in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 9/25/2019 – 8/31/2024. Role: Co-Investigator, 3% time. $7,807/yr DC. PI: Bereta, Kaseb.
- The Cockrell Foundation Professorship Award/HMRI: Mathematical modeling to support infectious diseases research. 3/1/21-2/29/24. 102,400/yr DC. (Awardee: Prashant Dogra.)
Pending Grant Support
- NIH IRCN R01 (MPIs: Pasqualini, Wadih, Brinker, Cristini). 4/1/24–3/31/29. Rutgers U (NIH). Methodist Funds Requested: $928,626. Title: Antibody-targeted nanoparticles for therapeutic gene editing in aggressive variant prostate cancer. Role: MPI (1.2 calendar)
- NIH RM1 (MPIs: Burley, Pasqualini). 4/1/24–3/31/29. Rutgers U (NIH). Methodist Funds Requested: $1,125,000. Title: Integration of In Vivo Phage Display & Machine Learning: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Ligand-Receptor Mapping of the Mammalian Vasculature. Role: Co-I & Methodist PI (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/NIBIB R01 (MPIs: Dogra, Noureddine). 4/1/24–3/31/29. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,712,699. Title: Artificial intelligence-integrated mechanistic modeling for rational design of nanoparticles to improve organ targeting and safety. Role: Co-I (0.6 calendar).
- NIH/NIAID 1R21AI178508-01A1 (PI: Dogra). 4/1/24–3/31/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $444,125. Title: Mechanistic modeling-based clinical trial simulator to support vaccine development. Role: Co-I (0.6 calendar)
- NIH/NCI (PI: Dogra). 4/1/24–3/31/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $161,500. Title: Multiscale modeling to improve efficacy of microRNA therapy in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Role: Co-I (0.3 calendar)
- CPRIT Individual Investigator Research Awards for. Computational Systems Biology of Cancer (MPIs: Welsh, Cristini). 3/1/24–2/28/27. CPRIT. Total Funds Requested: $300,000. Title: Development of immune biomarkers related to PET SUV through computational modeling for prediction of treatment response to Immunotherapy. Role: MPI (1.2 calendar)
- NIH R01 (MPIs: Wang, Ozpolat). 7/1/24–6/30/29. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,913,640. Title: A mathematical model for simulating and predicting miRNA-873-based nanotherapeutics for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH R01 (MPIs: Wang, Chung). 7/1/24–6/30/27. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,215,754. Title: Developing a mathematical model-based tool to predict immunotherapy outcomes in melanoma brain metastases. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH R01 (MPIs: Welsh, Cristini). 7/1/24–6/30/29. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $305,477. Title: Development of immune biomarkers related to PET SUV through computational modeling for prediction of treatment response to Immunotherapy. Role: MPI (1.2 calendar)
- NIH 1R01CA285524-01A1 (MPIs: Wang, Ozpolat). 7/1/24–6/30/29. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,925,210. Title: Optimizing novel miR-873 nanotherapeutics for targeted cancer treatment using a combination of experimental and mechanistic modeling approaches. Role: Co-I (2.4 calendar)
- NIH U01 (MPIs: Wang, Chung). 7/1/24–6/30/27. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $1,466,223. Title: Development of a clinically applicable tool for physicians to predict checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy outcome in patients with melanoma brain metastases. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
Past Grant Support
- NIH/NCI, R01CA222007: miR-155 targeted therapeutics for precision medicine in lung cancer. 07/01/2018–06/30/2023. Role: MPI, 15% time. 64,153/yr DC.
- NIH/NCI, R01CA226537: A targeted nanomedicine prototype against enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer. 04/01/2018–03/31/2023. Role: MPI, 15% time. 108,654/yr DC.
- NIH/NCI, U01CA213759: Targeted Therapeutics for ovarian cancer and its microenvironment treatment and theoretical modeling. 06/01/2017-05/31/2022. Role: Co-Investigator, 5% time. 20,655/yr DC. PI: Lopez-Berestein
- NIH/NCI, U01CA196403: Imaging and Molecular correlates of progression in cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. 09/01/2015-08/31/2021. Role: Co-Investigator, 5% time. 20,008/yr DC. PI: Maitra
- NIH/NCI, U54CA210181: Center for Immunotherapeutic Transport Oncophysics: 07/2017- 07/2021. Role: Collaborator, 10% time, 13,012/yr DC.
- National Science Foundation‒Mathematical Sciences (Role: Overall PI, 5% time; 09/01/2017-08/31/2020). “Collaborative Research: A new multiscale methodology and application to tumor growth modeling,” $250,000. DMS-1930583
- NIH/NIGMS P50GM085273 (PI: Wilson), The New Mexico SpatioTemporal Modeling Center (STMC) 09/01/2014-08/31/2019, 1.2 calendar. Role: Co-Investigator
- UT STAR award - The University of Texas System – Science and Technology Acquisition and Retention (STARS). “Mathematical modeling integrated with experiments and clinical trials to understand tumor heterogeneity, drug delivery and treatment outcome” ($1,000,000). Cristini PI. 07/01/2015-06/30/2018.
- Rochelle and Max Levit endowment for Chair in the Neurosciences ($500,000)– UTHealth 2016-2018
- Pilot project (PIs: Koay, Cristini 2% effort), Center for Immunotherapy in Transport Oncophysics (CITO), overall PI: Ferrari. “Effects of VEGF and collagen signaling on biodistribution of tumor associated macrophages in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)” 2017-2018
- National Science Foundation‒Mathematical Sciences/National Institute of General Medical Sciences (overall PI, 10% time; 09/15/2013-08/31/2017). “Collaborative Research: Multiscale Modeling of Mammary Gland Development,” $422,472. DMS-1562068
- The New Mexico Cancer Nanoscience and Microsystems Training Center (CNTC) Graduate Fellowship, 2014-2017 (Student: Terisse Brocato, UNM)
- University of New Mexico Cancer Center Institutional Support.(1 full-time graduate student) Clinical trial: The Use of Mathematical Modeling to Predict Response to Neoadjuvant Anthracycline / Taxane Based Chemotherapy in Women with HER2 negative Stage II and III Breast Cancer. 12/3/2014-12/3/2016. Co-PI.
- The New Mexico Center for the Spatiotemporal Modeling of Cell Signaling (STMC) Graduate Student Fellowship, 2014-2016. (Student: Prashant Dogra, Biomedical Sciences, University of New Mexico)
- NIH 5U54CA151668-05 (PIs: Ferrari, Gorenstein, Cristini), Texas Center for Cancer Nanomedicine, 8/1/15-7/31/16, 2.4 calendar. Cristini Overall PI
- 2014 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network – AACR Cancer Development Award: “Changes in Mass Transport as a Biomarker of Response in Pancreatic Cancer.” $200,000; PI: E Koay (VC Mentor, 2% time). 07/01/2014-06/30/2016.
- Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Seed Grant (PI: E Koay), Predicting gemcitabine delivery in human pancreatic cancer with mass transport, (VC Co-Investigator, 2.0% time) 2014-2015.
- King Abdulaziz University Grant 54-130-35-HiCi. “A Multiscale Approach to Developing and Optimizing γδ T Cell-Based Breast Cancer Treatment” $50,000. (Consultant, 10% time) 6/1/2014-3/31/2015.
- National Cancer Institute, CCNE: Texas Center for Cancer Nanomedicine, VC (Core co-I, 4% time). Biosimulation Core (Total Budget of Core: $750,000), 2010-2015.
- National Cancer Institute, U54: Physical Science—Oncology Center (PS-OC): Multiscale Complex Systems Transdisciplinary Analysis of Response to Therapy, VC (Project PI, 19% time). Multiscale Cancer Modeling: From Cell Phenotype to Growth and Therapy Response (Total Budget of Project $852,000), 2009-2015.
- National Cancer Institute, U54: Physical Science—Oncology Center (PS-OC): Center for Transport Oncophysics, VC (Core PI, 18% time) (Total Budget of Core $1,000,000), 2009-2015.
- National Cancer Institute, U54; Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP): Center for Modeling of Cancer Development, VC (Project PI, 15% time) Computational Biology: Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation (Total Budget of Project $750,000), 2010-2015.
- Baylor College of Medicine (BCM): Agent Based Modeling of Cell Lineages in Breast Cancer, VC (Scientific Advisor, 0%) (Total Budget $253,948), 12/1/2010 – 02/28/2015.
- National Cancer Institute, U54: Physical Science—Oncology Center (PS-OC): Center for Transport Oncophysics (PI: Ferrari) - Project 3: Genomic Correlates of Mass Transport Differentials, VC (Co-Investigator, 10% time), 2009-2015.
- National Cancer Institute, U54: Physical Science—Oncology Center (PS-OC): Center for Transport Oncophysics, supplemental grant: “Clinical implications of mass transport in colorectal liver metastasis,” (VC PI, 20% time). (Total Budget $80,000). 2013-2014.
- “Mathematical Model of Drug Transport to Determine Chemotherapeutic Outcomes in Patients with Colorectal Liver Metastases,” The New Mexico Cancer Nanoscience and Microsystems Training Center Graduate Fellowships, 2013-2014 by (Ph.D. student mentored: Romica Kerketta)
- 2013-2014 School of Engineering Award – the Charlotte and William Kraft Graduate Fellowship (Ph.D. student mentored: Terisse Brocato).
- NIH/NIGMS P50GM085273 (PI: Oliver), University of New Mexico Spatio Temporal Modeling Center (STMC), 0.5 calendar. Role: Co-Investigator, 08/01/11–07/31/2014.
- NIH/NIGMS K12GM088021 (PI: Pascal), 0 calendar, Role: Research mentor, 09/01/11–08/31/2014.
- National Science Foundation SBIR (Academic PI: VC), ($49,000), “Dynamic Infrared Imaging of Skin Cancer”, 7/1/2013-12/31/2013.
- National Cancer Institute CTO PS-OC Pilot Project (PI: Cristini), 0.25 calendar, NIH/NCI, $100,000. Title: Predictive physical modeling of chemotherapeutic drug transport and tumor response, 04/01/2012-03/31/2013.
- National Science Foundation—Mathematical Sciences, VC PI (6%), “Collaborative Research: Multiscale modeling of solid tumor growth,” (Total Budget $225,000), 2008-2012.
- UNM STMC Grand Challenge Award: Modeling the spatiotemporal motor-cargo dynamics in the squid giant axon. VC (PI, 0% time). $50,000. 03/2011 – 07/2011.
- MD Anderson Cancer Center Award: Quantification of diffusion barriers to chemotherapy in patient tissue. VC (PI, 1% time). $114,300. 11/2010 – 10/2011.
- United States Department of Defense Innovator Award, M. Ferrari (PI, UT Health Science Center), VC (Co-I, 5%). Towards individualized breast cancer therapy: Leveraging molecular medicine with multi-stage vector technology. (Total Budget $7 Million). 03/01/2009-02/28/2010.
- Cullen Trust for Health Care, VC PI (60%), “Virtual cancer: Reducing cancer recurrence and progression – new paradigms in cancer diagnostics and treatment through computational modeling of biological systems” (Total Budget $1.5 million). 2008-2010.
- United States Department of Defense - Telemedicine and Advanced Research Technology Center (TATRC) / Alliance for Nanohealth (ANH). VC PI (10%), “Optimizing Delivery of Paclitaxel in Head and Neck Cancer Treatment Through Nanoparticle Delivery and Interactive Biomathematically Based Nanoparticle Designs,” (Total Budget: $45,000). 2008-2010.
- Komen Foundation. F. Symmans (PI, MD Anderson), VC (Collaborator, 2%). Prospective Evaluation of Molecular Triaging with Pharmacogenomic Tests to Select Neoadjuvant Treatment. ($45,000). 04/01/2008 – 03/31/2009.
- NIH—Bioengineering Research Partnerships, VC Co-I (5%), “Nanovectors for characterization and destruction of breast tumor vasculature,” (Total Budget $400,000). 2007-2010.
- United States Department of Defense - Telemedicine and Advanced Research Technology Center (TATRC). VC Co-PI (5%), “Medical Nanovector Research and Development Center of Alliance for Nanohealth,” (Total Budget: $1.768 Million). 2007-2010.
- United States Department of Defense - U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC)—The Texas Training and Technology Against Trauma and Terrorism (T5) program NCE. VC Co-PI (38%), (Total Budget $4,792,000). 2007-2008.
- Dekk-Tech. VC PI, “Computer simulations of drug delivery to brain tumors,” ($25,000). 2007.
- United Negro College Fund - MERCK Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellowship, VC Mentor, “An integrated biological and computational tumor model,” $52,000 (PI: Graduate Student N DeMagalhaes). 2007-2009.
- NIH Graduate Fellowship, VC Mentor, $60,000 (PI: Graduate Student N DeMagalhaes). 2007-2009.
- NIH—National Cancer Institute, VC Co-PI (10%, “R01: Clinical and Microarray Data Predict Lung Cancer Outcomes”. (Total Budget: $1 million). 2006-2009.
- University of California Discovery Grant - IT for life sciences/ORQIS Medical, VC PI, “Analysis and Optimization of Blood Circuit Components Using Adaptive CFD,” $188,000. 2005-2007.
- NIH - National Cancer Institute, VC Co-PI, “R01: Multidisciplinary studies of tumor vascularity and microenvironment,” $180,000. 2005-2006.
- National Science Foundation—Mathematical Sciences, VC PI (10%), “Collaborative Research: Analysis and properties of co-continuous blends-A numerical and experimental investigation,” $132,000. 2003-2006.
- University of California at Irvine, Center for Complex Biological Systems Seed Grant, VC PI, “Computational and Experimental Modeling of Tumor Spheroid Growth and Photodynamic Therapy: A First Step Towards an In Vivo Model,” $11,000. 2003-2004.
- University of California at Irvine, Biomedical Engineering/College of Medicine Seed Grant, VC PI, “Modeling breast tumor morphology to predict drug response,” $15,000. 2003-2004.
Submitted Proposals (since I joined HMRI on 07/09/2018; selected)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Wang, Ozpolat). 7/1/23–6/30/28. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,814,645. Title: Development of KRAS-targeted siRNA- or miRNA-mediated nanotherapeutics for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Ozpolat, Wang). 7/1/23–6/30/28. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,305,000. Title: Dual-targeting of KRAS and PDL1 with novel miRNA nanotherapeutics for targeted cancer treatment. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Ozpolat, Wang). 7/1/23–6/30/27. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,962,660. Title: Novel therapeutic approach for co-targeting of two oncogenic kinases in Triple negative breast cancer. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/U01 resubmission (MPIs: Wang, Chung). 7/1/23–6/30/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $1,466,223. Title: Development of a clinically applicable tool for physicians to predict checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy outcome in patients with melanoma brain metastases. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R21 (PI: Dogra). 7/1/23 – 6/30/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $444,125. Title: Mechanistic modeling-based clinical trial simulator to support vaccine development. Role: collaborator
- NIH/R01 (PI: Goel). 7/1/23 – 6/30/28. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $198,202. Title: Ultrasmall chemo-radiopharmaceutical nanoconjugates for triple negative breast cancer. Role: collaborator
- NIH R01 (MPI: Villapol, Leonard). 4/1/23 – 3/31/28. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,114,617. Title: Non-viral CRISPR-lipid nanoparticles-based treatment for traumatic brain injury-induced inflammation in vivo. Role: Collaborator
- NIH R01 (MPIs: Staquicini, Dogra). 4/1/23 – 3/31/28. NIH. HM budget: $494,910. Title: Targeted Phage Display Technology for Pulmonary Delivery and Immunotherapy Approaches. Role: Collaborator
- NIH R21 (PI: Puri; co-I: Dogra). 4/1/23 – 3/31/25. NIH. HM budget: $81,660. Title: Development of an iontophoresis-coupled microneedle skin patch of naloxone for rapid and sustained reversal of fentanyl overdose. Role: Collaborator
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Wang, Chung). 4/1/23–3/31/28. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,097,714. Title: Integration of multimodal imaging and biofluid laboratory measurements for mathematical prediction of checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy outcome in patients with melanoma brain metastases. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH 1R01CA269639-01A1 (MPIs: Wang, Chen). 9/1/22–8/31/27. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,463,440. Title: Development of quantitative early indicators for predicting breast cancer response to immunotherapy treatment using mathematical modeling and preclinical models. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- Concept Award (PI: Filgueira). 9/1/22 – 8/31/24. DoD. Funds Requested: $161,499. Title: Nanoparticle-mediated Zonal Delivery of Therapeutics to the Tumor Microenvironment. Role: Co-Investigator
- DoD/ Investigator-Initiated Research Award. 7/1/22-6/30/26. DoD. Total Funds Requested: $1,285,542. Title: Microneedle dermal patch for amiloride in animals. Role: Co-I (0.24 calendar)
- DOD W81XWH-21-MRP-TRA (PI: Ekmekcioglu). 4/1/22–3/31/25. DOD. Total Funds Requested: $1,050,000. Title: Innate immune markers contribution in the tumor microenvironment architecture predicts response to immunotherapy in acral melanomas. Role: MPI (0.6 calendar)
- NIH/U54 ROBIN (MPIs: Koay, Azad, Javle, Cristini). 7/1/22–6/30/27. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $ 8,109,461. Title: MD Anderson/Johns Hopkins Cholangiocarcinoma ROBIN Center. Role: MPI/Data Science Core Co-Leader (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/U01 (MPIs: Wang, Chung). 4/1/22–3/31/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $1,453,500. Title: Development of a clinically applicable tool for physicians to predict patient outcome in melanoma brain metastases. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Wang, Chung). 4/1/22–3/31/27. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,671,180. Title: Identification of immunotherapy response indicators in breast cancer treatment through mathematical modeling and preclinical testing. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 Resubmission (MPIs: Ozpolat, Wang). 4/1/22–3/31/27. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,250,000. Title: Development of targeted therapeutics for pancreatic cancer. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- Delta Tissue Program (PIs: Cristini, Plodinec). 10/1/21–9/30/24. Wellcome Leap Foundation. Total Funds Requested: $2,976,000. Title: Predicting cell states and transitions within the tumor microenvironment in the breast cancer response to chemotherapy and immunotherapy using a combined nanomechanical profiling, imaging, and mathematical modeling approach. Role: PI (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/K25 (PI: Butner). 9/1/2021-8/30/2026. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $436,275. Title: Designing a predictive clinical tool to improve patient treatment strategies: integration of multiparametric imaging and mathematical modeling to predict patient outcome in melanoma brain metastases
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Chung, Hussein, Cristini). 7/1/21–6/30/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $4,120,000. Title: Personalized multimodality treatment of melanoma brain metastases following immunotherapy using mathematical modeling. Role: MPI (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Wang, Ozpolat). 7/1/2021 – 6/30/2026. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,306,675. Title: Understanding and optimizing EF2K-targeted nanotherapeutics for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Wang, Chen). 7/1/2021 – 6/30/2026. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,671,180. Title: Development of mathematical markers for early identification of immunotherapy response in ovarian cancer treatment with preclinical testing. Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/U01 (MPIs: Cristini, Chen, Wang, Thompson). 7/1/21–6/30/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $4,120,000. Title: Clinically validated physical biomarkers drive treatment outcome prediction in breast cancer and lung metastases. Role: Contact PI (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/P20 (MPIs: Chang, Esnaola, Gomez). 7/1/21–6/30/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $4,120,000. Title: The Houston Methodist Cancer Health Disparity P20 SPORE planning grant. Role: Co-I of Project 2 (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Chung, Cristini). 7/1/21–6/30/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $4,127,000. Title: Personalization of Treatment for Patients Receiving Immunotherapy for Melanoma Brain Metastases using Imaging and Fluid-Based Mathematical Modeling. Role: MPI (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/U01 (MPIs: Cristini, Chen, Wang, Thompson). 9/1/20–8/31/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $4,120,000. Title: Clinically validated physical biomarkers drive treatment outcome prediction in breast cancer and lung metastases. Role: Contact PI (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Wang, Sood). 9/1/20–8/31/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,155,000. Title: Development, experimental testing, and retrospective clinical validation of a mechanistic model of immunotherapy in ovarian cancer treatment. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- DOD/BCRP (MPIs: Thompson, Plodinec). 9/1/20–8/31/23. DOD. Total Funds Requested: $2,000,000. Title: Proteogenomic and nanomechanical biomarkers in primary breast cancer. Role: Collaborator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Wang, Ozpolat). 4/1/21–3/31/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,306,675. Title: Understanding and optimizing EF2K-targeted nanotherapeutics for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Wang, Chen). 4/1/21–3/31/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,671,180. Title: Development of "mathematical markers" for early identification of immunotherapy response in ovarian cancer treatment with preclinical testing. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (PIs: Wang, Ozpolat). 4/1/20–3/31/26. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,55,000. Title: Naonparticle delivery of miRNA-based therapeutics to overcome clinical challenges in triple negative breast cancer. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (PIs: Ozpolat, Wang). 7/1/20–6/30/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,250,000. Title: Novel combinatorial therapies for pancreatic cancer. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Ozpolat, Calin). 4/1/20–3/31/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,770,000. Title: miR-484 targeted therapeutics for breast cancer. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Chen, Wang, Chang). 4/1/20–3/31/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,550,000. Title: Identification of clinically relevant tumor immune microenvironment biomarkers for predicting immunotherapy outcome in lung and breast cancer patients. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (PI: Ozpolat). 4/1/20–3/31/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,500,000. Title: Development of EF2K targeted Dual effect nanotherapeutics for breast cancer. Role: Co-Investigator (0.5 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (PIs: Wang, Ozpolat). 7/1/20–6/30/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,250,000. Title: A combined experimental and mathematical modeling approach to optimizing EF2K-targeted nanotherapeutics for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (PIs: Wang, Ozpolat). 7/1/20–6/30/25. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,55,000. Title: Naonparticle delivery of miRNA-based therapeutics to overcome clinical challenges in triple negative breast cancer. Role: Co-Investigator (1.8 calendar)
- CPRIT IIRA (MPIs: Chang, Chen). 3/1/20–2/28/23. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,550,000. Title: A translational approach to identification of clinically applicable biomarkers for predicting immunotherapy outcome in lung and breast cancer patients. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/U54 RFA-CA-19-013 (MPIs: Cristini, Chen, Hong). 9/1/19–8/31/24. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $7,161,919. Title: Houston Center for Cancer ImmunoTherapy Engineering (HC-CITE). Role: Overall PI, contact (3.0 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (PI: Ozpolat). 7/1/19–6/30/24. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,500,000. Title: Development of KRAS targeted dual effect nanotherapeutics. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/P01 (PI: Calin, Croce, Slack). 7/1/18–6/30/23. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $5,000,000. Title: MicroRNA targeted therapeutics for precision medicine in human cancers. Role: Bioinformatics & Biostatistics and Mathematics Core Director (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 IRCN, PAR-17-240 (MPIs: Ozpolat, Maitra, Volk, Cristini, Wang). 4/1/19–3/31/24. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,250,000. Title: Development of miR-based nanotherapeutics for precision medicine in pancreatic cancer. Role: MPI (1.44 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Calin, Ozpolat, Wang). 4/1/19–3/31/24. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $3,500,000. Title: Development of KRAS targeted dual effect nanotherapeutics.
Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- NIH/R01 (MPIs: Lopez-Berestein, Ozpolat). 4/1/19–3/31/24. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $2,750,000. Title: Development of EF2K targeted Dual effect nanotherapeutics for breast cancer. Role: Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar)
- CPRIT/IIRA (PI: Ozpolat, Wang). 3/1/19–2/28/22. NIH. Total Funds Requested: $900,000. Title: Development of Dual effect nanotherapeutics for Breast Cancer. Role: Collaborator (0.5 calendar)