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'''Fabrizio Frezza''' (born October 31, 1960, Rome, Italy) is Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy.<ref>[https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/it/users/fabriziofrezzauniroma1it Fabrizio Frezza - "La Sapienza" University of Rome]</ref>
[[it:Fabrizio_Frezza]]'''Fabrizio Frezza''' (born October 31, 1960, Rome, Italy) is Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy.<ref>[https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/it/users/fabriziofrezzauniroma1it Fabrizio Frezza - "La Sapienza" University of Rome]</ref>

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| Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields, "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy
| Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields, "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy
| '''Note'''
| '''Notes'''
| Top Italian Scientist in Engineering <ref name="TIS">[https://topitalianscientists.org/tis/50207/Fabrizio_Frezza_-_Top_Italian_Scientist_in_Engineering - Top Italian Scientist in Engineering]</ref>
| Top Italian Scientist in Engineering <ref name="TIS">[https://topitalianscientists.org/tis/50207/Fabrizio_Frezza_-_Top_Italian_Scientist_in_Engineering - Top Italian Scientist in Engineering]</ref>
== Teaching ==
* Advanced Electromagnetics and Scattering (6 ECTS), for M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering and M.Sc. in Atmospheric Science and Technology
* Artificial Materials, Metamaterials and Plasmonics for Electromagnetic Applications (6 ECTS), for M.Sc. in Nanotechnology Engineering and M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering
* Microwaves Part II, for M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering
* Basic Electromagnetic Fields (9 ECTS), for B.Sc. in Information Engineering, at Latina
== Research overview ==
Electromagnetic waveguides, antennas and resonators, mathematical and numerical methods, electromagnetic scattering, optics, free electromagnetic propagation, thermonuclear plasma heating, anisotropic media, artificial materials and metamaterials, plasmonics, biomedical applications, cultural-heritage and environment applications, artificial intelligence applications to electromagnetic sensing and diagnostics, magnetic resonance applications, electrical transmission lines, electromagnetic compatibility, spectroscopy, terahertz applications, acoustics, technological transfer, history of science and technology.
== Present Position ==
* Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 2005-present
** Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics (I3S)
** Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET)
* Member of the Governing Board of the Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics (from 2020 to December 2022)
** Member of the Governing Board of the Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications
** Member of the Governing Board of the Curriculum in Electronic Engineering
* Dean of the Information Engineering Curriculum (Latina site, since 2017)
* Dean of the Electromagnetic Fields Group (Sapienza, since November 2022)
* Research and Service Center Saperi&Co Sapienza, member of the executive board and of the scientific board STITCH Research Center (Sapienza information-based Technology InnovaTion Center for Health)
== Past Positions ==
* “La Sapienza” Research Center for Nanotechnology Engineering (CNIS), up to 2022
* “La Sapienza” Research Center for Aerospace (CRAS), up to 2022
* “La Sapienza” Research and Service Center for Technological and Sustainable Innovation (Cersites), up to 2022
== International Research Projects (last 5 years) ==
*Staff Member of the research project European Research Council (ERC), Advanced Grant: SpatioTEmporal Multimode complex optical Systems (STEMS)
*Staff Member of the research Project Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions: Multiscale Optical Frequency Combs: Advanced Technologies and Applications (MOCCA)
*Participating in the European Project Horizon 2020, Clean Sky: EM compatibility ANALYsis & Statistical Techniques in aeronautics (ANALYST)
*Participating in the international project: Advanced skin effect models for future 3D wide bandgap power modules, Luleå University of Technology (Svezia), University of L’Aquila (Italy), Polytechnic of Zurich (Switzerland)
*National representative (substitute), Management Committee, COST Action TU1208 “Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar” (until 2017)
== National Research Projects (last 5 years) ==
*Research Project PON “SPOS” (System for Sustainable Horticulture)
*Research Project SPHeaD Smart Personal Health-care Devices, Lazio Region
*Participant in the research project Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), PRIN call 2017: BEST-Food – Broadband Electromagnetic Sensing Technologies for Food quality and security assessment
*Coworker in the research project Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), PRIN call 2017: NOnlinear photonics with MEtal-less Nanoantennas and metasurfaces (NOMEN)
*Participant in the research project T-MENS (techniques of functional magnetic resonance of brain), Center for Studies and Researches “Enrico Fermi” and Santa Lucia Foundation (IRCCS), Rome, Italy
*Participant in the research project funded by the Italian Lazio Region, Platform for the Integrated Multimodal Analysis in Applied Neurosciences (PAMINA), Center for Studies and Researches “Enrico Fermi” and Santa Lucia Foundation (IRCCS), Rome, Italy (until 2018)
*Head of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) research project: “Techniques of three-dimensional (3D) evaluation of cellular growth and morphology in microgravity condition through electromagnetic diffraction (CellTer)” (until 2016).
== International scientific and institutional activity ==
*Promoter of the proposal to allocate at “La Sapienza” University of Rome a Milestone of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in honor of Giovanni Giorgi and his International Measurement System (approval December 2019)
*Institutional representative, Board of the European School of Antennas (ESoA), since 2004
*Institutional Member, “Metamorphose”, Virtual Institute on Artificial Materials and Metamaterials (since 2013)
*Council Member, International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems (M&MOCS) since 2013
*Full Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
*Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)<ref>[https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37283218400 Fabrizio Frezza - Senior Member, IEEE]</ref>
*Senior Member, Optical Society of America (OSA)
*Senior Member, International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
== National scientific and institutional activity ==
*Member of Quadrato della Radio Association (since 2018)
*Italian University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), member of the scientific board
*Center for Studies and Researches “Enrico Fermi”
*Italian Georadar Association, Managing Board, Vicepresident
*Center for the Sustainable Mobility (Po.Mo.S.), Cisterna di Latina (LT)
*Scientific Council Member, Microwave Engineering Center for Space Applications (MECSA)
*Italian Society of Electromagnetics (SIEm)
== International Teaching Activity ==
*Coordinator and Teacher of the Course, for Ph.D. students and company designers “Traveling-Wave Antennas”, in 2005 and 2008, in the framework of the European School of Antennas (ESoA), Rome, Italy
*Coordinator and Teacher of the Course, for Ph.D. students and company designers, “Leaky Waves and Periodic Structures for Antenna Applications”, in the framework of the European School of Antennas (ESoA), in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2021, Rome, Italy
== Visiting Professorship ==
*Aalto University, Finland: 2012 and 2013
*University of Lancaster, UK: 2014
*Queen’s University of Belfast (QUB), UK: 2015, 2016, and 2017
*Cardiff University, UK: 2018
*University of Kent, UK: 2019
== International and national editorial activity ==
*Topical Editor of Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2014-2017 (first term) and 2017-2020 (second term)
*Director of Book Series on Electromagnetism and Optics (L’Ondivaga), Aracne Editions, Rome, since 2013
*Co-Editor of the volume “New Frontiers in Radiation and Guidance Phenomena: a Tribute to Arthur A.
*Oliner”, Borgia, Rome, December 2007
*Co-Editor of the volume “In Memory of Giorgio Barzilai”, Borgia, Roma, June 2007
*Member of the Scientific Committee of Italian Journal of Composites and Nanotechnologies (Materials, Aerospace, Special Technologies), since 2005
*Co-Editor of the Special Issue of “Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi”, January-April 2004.
== Awards and recognitions ==
*2022: Honorary Member of the Centro Culturale di Ricerca Sismica e Geologica Strutturale Benacense, for the researches on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
*2020: Senior Member, International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
*2019: acceptation of Milestone proposal for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) “in honor of Giovanni Giorgi and his International Measurement System” (ceremony in December 2021)
*2018, co-opted to the Quadrato della Radio Association
*2016, one paper rewarded at International URSI (International Union for Radio Science) Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory
*2015, one paper rewarded at URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference
*2014, three papers rewarded at International URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory
*2013, one paper rewarded at International URSI Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory
*2013, one paper rewarded at 6th UCMMT conference
*2012, Best Paper Award at International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation
*2010, “Sapienza Ricerca” Prize for excellent researches in Architecture and Engineering
*1995: Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
*1995: Full Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
*1994, “Giorgio Barzilai” Prize for the best paper at the National Conference of Electromagnetics
*1986, “Giovanni Carosio” Prize for the best graduated in Electronic Engineering, “La Sapienza” University of Rome and Italcable Co..
== Interdisciplinary Scientific Event organization (last 5 years) ==
*The powerful development of Water Sciences and Bioelectromagnetics (3-1-2023)
*New Frontiers in Electromagnetic Simulation (20-12-2022)
*Measure for measure: Giovanni Giorgi and his system (15-12-2021), celebratory conference in occasion of the Milestone of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) “in honor of Giovanni Giorgi and his International Measurement System”, at the presence of the President of the IEEE (15-12-2021)
*The STET group: history of the companies who made the Italian telecommunications (8-5-2021)
*Studying energetic and mechanical properties of electromagnetic fields with a novel format of Maxwell’s equations (21-6-2019)
*Aquaphotomics: Water Mirror Approach in Science (24-5-2019)
*Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) for Aerospace applications (17-5-2019)
*Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Medical Diagnostics (2-5-2019)
*The Mysteries of Water (21-3-2019)
*In Memory of Algeri Marino after 50 years since his death (14-5-2018)
*Robotics for the human body. Technological applications for surgery (10-5-2018)
*Conference cycles “Visions of Future” in Latina, since academic year 2017-18
*Patents for industrial inventions: requirements and strategies (24-6-2016)
*Restoration of ancient stained glass windows: methods and applications (16-4-2016).
*Participation in Seminars “The Lincei for the School”, in Latina, since academic year 2018-19
== Citations ==
no. = 5087; H index = 34, i10-index = 120 (11/5/2023)<ref>[https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=bwVoUCIAAAAJ Fabrizio Frezza - Google Scholar]</ref>
== Patents ==
# Leaky-wave antenna based on stepped rectangular waveguide, #RM95A000590 (1995)
# Software for the calculation of electromagnetic-wave scattering from an arbitrary number of cylindrical objects buried in a dielectric halfspace, #009073 (2013)
# System for acquisition and comparison of graph curves, #RM2014A000045 (2014)
# Method to determine whether a cell shown in an immunofluorescence image acquired with a confocal microscope is an ill cell, in particular a tumoral cell, #102020000022801 (2020).
== Post-doctoral fellows and Ph.D. students, graduation year and last known position ==
# Lara Pajewski, 2004, Associate Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, DIET Department
# Giampiero Lovat, 2005, Assistant Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, DIAEE Department
# Simone Paulotto, 2006, Apple Inc., Cupertino, USA
# Alessandro Ciorba, 2008, Italian Ministry of Defense, Rome, Italy
# Paolo Nocito, 2009, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Rome, Italy
# Piero Angeletti, 2010, ESA-ESTEC Research Center, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
# Felice M. Vanin, 2012, ESA-ESTEC Research Center, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
# Fabrizio De Paolis, 2013, ESA-ESOC Research Center, Londra, UK
# Elisa Spinozzi, 2013, GEM Electronics Company, San Benedetto del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno), Italy
# Nicola Tedeschi, 2013, Research Assistant, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, DIET Department
# Roberto Laurita, 2014, Value Team Co., Rome, Italy
# Fabio Mangini, 2014, Assistant Professor, University of Brescia
# Endri Stoja, 2014, Fraunhofer Institute FHR, Germany
# Marco Tannino, 2015, Vatican Radio, Vatican City
# Muhammad Khalid, 2016, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Lecce, Italy
# Carlo Santini, 2016, High-School Teacher, Rome, Italy
# Vincenzo Pascale, Autumn 2016, Space Engineering Co.
# Fabio Pelorossi, Autumn 2016, ESA-ESOC Research Center, Darmstadt, Germania
# Santo Prontera, 2017, High-School Teacher, Rome, Italy
# Emiliano Sassolini, 2017, High-School Teacher, Rome, Italy
# Vincenzo Schena, 2017, Thales Alenia Space Co., Rome, Italy
# Patrizio Simeoni, 2017, National Transport Authority, Dublin, Ireland
# Fabrizio Timpani, 2017, High-School Teacher, Rome, Italy
# Andrea Veroli, 2017, EsseQuamVideri Company, Rome, Italy
# Badrul Alam, 2018, Research Assistant, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
# Pietro Paolo Di Gregorio, 2018, So. Tel. Co., Rome, Italy
# Enrico Lia, 2018, ESA-ESTEC Research Center, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
# Maria Denise Astorino, 2019, Research Assistant, University of L’Aquila, Italy
# Lorenzo Dinia, 2019, Mindray Medical International Co., USA
# Yongdiao Wen, two-year visiting student, 2019-2020, University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
# Sidra Batool, 2021, post-doctoral researcher
# Alessandro Calcaterra, 2021, Elettronica Company, Rome
# Maurizio Troiano, 2021, post-doctoral researcher
# Khushboo Munir, 2022, post-doctoral researcher, University of Alberta, Canada
# Mehwish Nisar, 2022, post-doctoral researcher, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome
# Fangcheng Huang, course fourth year
# Roberto Leuzzi, course fourth year
# Francesca Ponti, course fourth year
# Aniqa Mehboob, course third year
# Hamed Tari, course third year
# Flavia Grignaffini, course second year
== Past Positions ==
*Associate Professor, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1998-2004
*Temporary Professor of Electromagnetic Fields, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1994-1997
*Assistant Professor, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1990-1998.
== Education ==
*Laurea Degree (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1986
*Ph.D. degree in Applied Electromagnetism and Electrophysical Sciences, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1991.
== Further Studies ==
(at Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, PUG, Rome, Italy):
Philosophy, Biblical exegesis, Cinema, Painting.

== References ==
== References ==

Latest revision as of 06:39, 12 August 2023

Fabrizio Frezza (born October 31, 1960, Rome, Italy) is Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy.[1]

Fabrizio Frezza
October 31, 1960, Rome, Italy
Laurea Degree (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1986
Ph.D. degree in Applied Electromagnetism and Electrophysical Sciences, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1991.
Electromagnetic Fields, Leaky Waves, Optics, Electromagnetic Scattering, Metamaterials
Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields, "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy
Top Italian Scientist in Engineering [2]


  • Advanced Electromagnetics and Scattering (6 ECTS), for M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering and M.Sc. in Atmospheric Science and Technology
  • Artificial Materials, Metamaterials and Plasmonics for Electromagnetic Applications (6 ECTS), for M.Sc. in Nanotechnology Engineering and M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering
  • Microwaves Part II, for M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering
  • Basic Electromagnetic Fields (9 ECTS), for B.Sc. in Information Engineering, at Latina

Research overview

Electromagnetic waveguides, antennas and resonators, mathematical and numerical methods, electromagnetic scattering, optics, free electromagnetic propagation, thermonuclear plasma heating, anisotropic media, artificial materials and metamaterials, plasmonics, biomedical applications, cultural-heritage and environment applications, artificial intelligence applications to electromagnetic sensing and diagnostics, magnetic resonance applications, electrical transmission lines, electromagnetic compatibility, spectroscopy, terahertz applications, acoustics, technological transfer, history of science and technology.

Present Position

  • Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 2005-present
    • Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics (I3S)
    • Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET)
  • Member of the Governing Board of the Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics (from 2020 to December 2022)
    • Member of the Governing Board of the Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications
    • Member of the Governing Board of the Curriculum in Electronic Engineering
  • Dean of the Information Engineering Curriculum (Latina site, since 2017)
  • Dean of the Electromagnetic Fields Group (Sapienza, since November 2022)
  • Research and Service Center Saperi&Co Sapienza, member of the executive board and of the scientific board STITCH Research Center (Sapienza information-based Technology InnovaTion Center for Health)

Past Positions

  • “La Sapienza” Research Center for Nanotechnology Engineering (CNIS), up to 2022
  • “La Sapienza” Research Center for Aerospace (CRAS), up to 2022
  • “La Sapienza” Research and Service Center for Technological and Sustainable Innovation (Cersites), up to 2022

International Research Projects (last 5 years)

  • Staff Member of the research project European Research Council (ERC), Advanced Grant: SpatioTEmporal Multimode complex optical Systems (STEMS)
  • Staff Member of the research Project Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions: Multiscale Optical Frequency Combs: Advanced Technologies and Applications (MOCCA)
  • Participating in the European Project Horizon 2020, Clean Sky: EM compatibility ANALYsis & Statistical Techniques in aeronautics (ANALYST)
  • Participating in the international project: Advanced skin effect models for future 3D wide bandgap power modules, Luleå University of Technology (Svezia), University of L’Aquila (Italy), Polytechnic of Zurich (Switzerland)
  • National representative (substitute), Management Committee, COST Action TU1208 “Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar” (until 2017)

National Research Projects (last 5 years)

  • Research Project PON “SPOS” (System for Sustainable Horticulture)
  • Research Project SPHeaD Smart Personal Health-care Devices, Lazio Region
  • Participant in the research project Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), PRIN call 2017: BEST-Food – Broadband Electromagnetic Sensing Technologies for Food quality and security assessment
  • Coworker in the research project Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), PRIN call 2017: NOnlinear photonics with MEtal-less Nanoantennas and metasurfaces (NOMEN)
  • Participant in the research project T-MENS (techniques of functional magnetic resonance of brain), Center for Studies and Researches “Enrico Fermi” and Santa Lucia Foundation (IRCCS), Rome, Italy
  • Participant in the research project funded by the Italian Lazio Region, Platform for the Integrated Multimodal Analysis in Applied Neurosciences (PAMINA), Center for Studies and Researches “Enrico Fermi” and Santa Lucia Foundation (IRCCS), Rome, Italy (until 2018)
  • Head of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) research project: “Techniques of three-dimensional (3D) evaluation of cellular growth and morphology in microgravity condition through electromagnetic diffraction (CellTer)” (until 2016).

International scientific and institutional activity

  • Promoter of the proposal to allocate at “La Sapienza” University of Rome a Milestone of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in honor of Giovanni Giorgi and his International Measurement System (approval December 2019)
  • Institutional representative, Board of the European School of Antennas (ESoA), since 2004
  • Institutional Member, “Metamorphose”, Virtual Institute on Artificial Materials and Metamaterials (since 2013)
  • Council Member, International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems (M&MOCS) since 2013
  • Full Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
  • Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)[3]
  • Senior Member, Optical Society of America (OSA)
  • Senior Member, International Union of Radio Science (URSI)

National scientific and institutional activity

  • Member of Quadrato della Radio Association (since 2018)
  • Italian University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), member of the scientific board
  • Center for Studies and Researches “Enrico Fermi”
  • Italian Georadar Association, Managing Board, Vicepresident
  • Center for the Sustainable Mobility (Po.Mo.S.), Cisterna di Latina (LT)
  • Scientific Council Member, Microwave Engineering Center for Space Applications (MECSA)
  • Italian Society of Electromagnetics (SIEm)

International Teaching Activity

  • Coordinator and Teacher of the Course, for Ph.D. students and company designers “Traveling-Wave Antennas”, in 2005 and 2008, in the framework of the European School of Antennas (ESoA), Rome, Italy
  • Coordinator and Teacher of the Course, for Ph.D. students and company designers, “Leaky Waves and Periodic Structures for Antenna Applications”, in the framework of the European School of Antennas (ESoA), in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2021, Rome, Italy

Visiting Professorship

  • Aalto University, Finland: 2012 and 2013
  • University of Lancaster, UK: 2014
  • Queen’s University of Belfast (QUB), UK: 2015, 2016, and 2017
  • Cardiff University, UK: 2018
  • University of Kent, UK: 2019

International and national editorial activity

  • Topical Editor of Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2014-2017 (first term) and 2017-2020 (second term)
  • Director of Book Series on Electromagnetism and Optics (L’Ondivaga), Aracne Editions, Rome, since 2013
  • Co-Editor of the volume “New Frontiers in Radiation and Guidance Phenomena: a Tribute to Arthur A.
  • Oliner”, Borgia, Rome, December 2007
  • Co-Editor of the volume “In Memory of Giorgio Barzilai”, Borgia, Roma, June 2007
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of Italian Journal of Composites and Nanotechnologies (Materials, Aerospace, Special Technologies), since 2005
  • Co-Editor of the Special Issue of “Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi”, January-April 2004.

Awards and recognitions

  • 2022: Honorary Member of the Centro Culturale di Ricerca Sismica e Geologica Strutturale Benacense, for the researches on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
  • 2020: Senior Member, International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
  • 2019: acceptation of Milestone proposal for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) “in honor of Giovanni Giorgi and his International Measurement System” (ceremony in December 2021)
  • 2018, co-opted to the Quadrato della Radio Association
  • 2016, one paper rewarded at International URSI (International Union for Radio Science) Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory
  • 2015, one paper rewarded at URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference
  • 2014, three papers rewarded at International URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory
  • 2013, one paper rewarded at International URSI Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory
  • 2013, one paper rewarded at 6th UCMMT conference
  • 2012, Best Paper Award at International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation
  • 2010, “Sapienza Ricerca” Prize for excellent researches in Architecture and Engineering
  • 1995: Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • 1995: Full Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
  • 1994, “Giorgio Barzilai” Prize for the best paper at the National Conference of Electromagnetics
  • 1986, “Giovanni Carosio” Prize for the best graduated in Electronic Engineering, “La Sapienza” University of Rome and Italcable Co..

Interdisciplinary Scientific Event organization (last 5 years)

  • The powerful development of Water Sciences and Bioelectromagnetics (3-1-2023)
  • New Frontiers in Electromagnetic Simulation (20-12-2022)
  • Measure for measure: Giovanni Giorgi and his system (15-12-2021), celebratory conference in occasion of the Milestone of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) “in honor of Giovanni Giorgi and his International Measurement System”, at the presence of the President of the IEEE (15-12-2021)
  • The STET group: history of the companies who made the Italian telecommunications (8-5-2021)
  • Studying energetic and mechanical properties of electromagnetic fields with a novel format of Maxwell’s equations (21-6-2019)
  • Aquaphotomics: Water Mirror Approach in Science (24-5-2019)
  • Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) for Aerospace applications (17-5-2019)
  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Medical Diagnostics (2-5-2019)
  • The Mysteries of Water (21-3-2019)
  • In Memory of Algeri Marino after 50 years since his death (14-5-2018)
  • Robotics for the human body. Technological applications for surgery (10-5-2018)
  • Conference cycles “Visions of Future” in Latina, since academic year 2017-18
  • Patents for industrial inventions: requirements and strategies (24-6-2016)
  • Restoration of ancient stained glass windows: methods and applications (16-4-2016).
  • Participation in Seminars “The Lincei for the School”, in Latina, since academic year 2018-19


no. = 5087; H index = 34, i10-index = 120 (11/5/2023)[4]


  1. Leaky-wave antenna based on stepped rectangular waveguide, #RM95A000590 (1995)
  2. Software for the calculation of electromagnetic-wave scattering from an arbitrary number of cylindrical objects buried in a dielectric halfspace, #009073 (2013)
  3. System for acquisition and comparison of graph curves, #RM2014A000045 (2014)
  4. Method to determine whether a cell shown in an immunofluorescence image acquired with a confocal microscope is an ill cell, in particular a tumoral cell, #102020000022801 (2020).

Post-doctoral fellows and Ph.D. students, graduation year and last known position

  1. Lara Pajewski, 2004, Associate Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, DIET Department
  2. Giampiero Lovat, 2005, Assistant Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, DIAEE Department
  3. Simone Paulotto, 2006, Apple Inc., Cupertino, USA
  4. Alessandro Ciorba, 2008, Italian Ministry of Defense, Rome, Italy
  5. Paolo Nocito, 2009, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Rome, Italy
  6. Piero Angeletti, 2010, ESA-ESTEC Research Center, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
  7. Felice M. Vanin, 2012, ESA-ESTEC Research Center, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
  8. Fabrizio De Paolis, 2013, ESA-ESOC Research Center, Londra, UK
  9. Elisa Spinozzi, 2013, GEM Electronics Company, San Benedetto del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno), Italy
  10. Nicola Tedeschi, 2013, Research Assistant, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, DIET Department
  11. Roberto Laurita, 2014, Value Team Co., Rome, Italy
  12. Fabio Mangini, 2014, Assistant Professor, University of Brescia
  13. Endri Stoja, 2014, Fraunhofer Institute FHR, Germany
  14. Marco Tannino, 2015, Vatican Radio, Vatican City
  15. Muhammad Khalid, 2016, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Lecce, Italy
  16. Carlo Santini, 2016, High-School Teacher, Rome, Italy
  17. Vincenzo Pascale, Autumn 2016, Space Engineering Co.
  18. Fabio Pelorossi, Autumn 2016, ESA-ESOC Research Center, Darmstadt, Germania
  19. Santo Prontera, 2017, High-School Teacher, Rome, Italy
  20. Emiliano Sassolini, 2017, High-School Teacher, Rome, Italy
  21. Vincenzo Schena, 2017, Thales Alenia Space Co., Rome, Italy
  22. Patrizio Simeoni, 2017, National Transport Authority, Dublin, Ireland
  23. Fabrizio Timpani, 2017, High-School Teacher, Rome, Italy
  24. Andrea Veroli, 2017, EsseQuamVideri Company, Rome, Italy
  25. Badrul Alam, 2018, Research Assistant, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
  26. Pietro Paolo Di Gregorio, 2018, So. Tel. Co., Rome, Italy
  27. Enrico Lia, 2018, ESA-ESTEC Research Center, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
  28. Maria Denise Astorino, 2019, Research Assistant, University of L’Aquila, Italy
  29. Lorenzo Dinia, 2019, Mindray Medical International Co., USA
  30. Yongdiao Wen, two-year visiting student, 2019-2020, University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
  31. Sidra Batool, 2021, post-doctoral researcher
  32. Alessandro Calcaterra, 2021, Elettronica Company, Rome
  33. Maurizio Troiano, 2021, post-doctoral researcher
  34. Khushboo Munir, 2022, post-doctoral researcher, University of Alberta, Canada
  35. Mehwish Nisar, 2022, post-doctoral researcher, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome
  36. Fangcheng Huang, course fourth year
  37. Roberto Leuzzi, course fourth year
  38. Francesca Ponti, course fourth year
  39. Aniqa Mehboob, course third year
  40. Hamed Tari, course third year
  41. Flavia Grignaffini, course second year

Past Positions

  • Associate Professor, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1998-2004
  • Temporary Professor of Electromagnetic Fields, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1994-1997
  • Assistant Professor, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1990-1998.


  • Laurea Degree (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1986
  • Ph.D. degree in Applied Electromagnetism and Electrophysical Sciences, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1991.

Further Studies

(at Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, PUG, Rome, Italy):

Philosophy, Biblical exegesis, Cinema, Painting.
